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Comment Re:limited liability and CEO pay (Score -1) 144

HFT provides liquidity to the market and simply shifts who happens to take the arbitrage profits caused by information lag. It used to be humans on the trading floor, now its machines next door. When an exchange turns electronic, HFT becomes a natural way for the market to more efficiently manage discrepancies in prices. HFT does not damage the profits of long term investors (beyond, perhaps, having them pay 1 cent extra per share or similar). HFT simply puts certain exploitative, human day traders out of business.

An HFT strategy can be defined as a trading strategy where profit is a function of latency. If you were to tax HFT so it were unprofitable, the markets would become inefficient. If you were to ban trading below a certain frequency, nothing would change, except the algorithms that are successful.

Comment Re:Additional regulations (Score -1) 331

You are speaking from ignorance.
The article in this case is not particularly clear, but the traders in this case were essentially causing a *broker* to modify their price using fraudulent bidding.
This was not some clever day trader beating the HFT firms on the open market using a clever hack. This was a group of individuals tricking their broker in to offering them the wrong prices.
The fact is that the actions the human traders took could be considered similar to calling up a broker, lying about how much money you have, and placing a fake order to manipulate pricing, then calling on the other line, and exploiting this price change. Or it could be considered similar to tricking a poorly programmed ATM to give you too much money. There was an *intent to defraud* IB by the traders. Norwegian law happened to recognize this strongly enough to convict.
In America, they would have gotten away with it, IB would have fixed the error, and we would have moved on, but this is only because of the lack of regulation of finance in America.

Comment Re:This is bullshit. (Score -1) 331

You don't know what you are talking about. HFT provides liquidity. It allows more investors to freely move in and out of positions, with reduced fears of slippage. HFT takes money from exploitative (human) day traders and other HFT traders, not from investors. But your signature belies your ignorance on the entire academic and societal concepts of modern finance.

Comment Re:he's talking about tarballs (Score -1) 312

No. But if the hash didn't match, an astute user would have noticed. And if the git version and the tarball didn't match, a developer would notice. So the hacker could have inserted a backdoor into git, but they would be noticed by a dev. They could have inserted a backdoor into the tarball and not modified the hash, but they would be noticed by a user. They could have inserted a backdoor into the tarball AND modified the hash, but a dev would have noticed. If you really want to get a backdoor into the kernel source code, do what the NSA does, contribute it.

Comment Re:safety when the zombies come (Score -1) 142

You've done the research, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I always assumed the purpose of the mad-max truck, the weapons, and the ammunition was to raid or take over farms, and the like. (And you can create make-shift gasoline using biomatter, so you should be able to make that truck keep working until a part breaks that you just can't fab).

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