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Comment Re:Interesting... (Score 1) 349

Just as there is no ultimate safe place to live.. there is no real "guaranteed" security.. Saving, whether or not it is for retirement, is a good bet. As the other poster said, uninsured motorist is pretty standard.. As to the 6 month injury, it's a good idea to add the supplemental to disability to your insurance. It's cheap.. Actually if I got injured like that, I would make even more than I do working as I had the option to boost it higher. (had a motorcycle accident years ago, so I am for covering the bases).. As to the college fund, the parent poster said he was single.. but, as people with kids get some awesome tax breaks, there is no reason for some money to be put away for college for them.. A better gage of "security" would be.. If you lost your job and did not get unemployment, how long could you survive without increasing debt, before you would be in serious threat of being on the street ?

Comment Re:Shocked. (Score 1) 851

Very few of these people have any genuine need for these things, i.e. not an EMT or Doctor, it's their little luxury.

So.. an EMT or a doctor has "genuine need" and "those people" don't ?.. An EMT or a doctor needs it for what ?.. their job ? .. really ? .. neither of those professions have more of a genuine need for a smart phone than the guy who made my hamburger at McDonalds.. they are equal in "need" of such a device... If a medical professional needs a smart phone to treat me, I think I am better off doing it myself at home with Google search... All that said, it's not about "need" anyway.. you don't need much.. You don't need a TV, movies, or cable, or the Internet, or books, or a hobby to keep you from dying from boredom.. those are wants.. and like all these entertainment "luxuries" those that want to have them will find a way.

Comment Re:Any of these ported to Windows? (Score 1) 241

Easier to just get yourself a live CD and boot it up.. then play around to your hearts content before committing it to hard drive install.. You will be amazed that you can boot it up and do things like surf the Internet without having to find drivers.. I had a friend who's hard drive died, loaned her a live CD so she wouldn't be without the Internet until she could get her new drive.. She ended up dual booting on the new drive... I use Windows at work, and Linux at home.. It's not like my brain is twice the size of others to know how to use both systems.. there are many commonalities.. I have had visitors to my house who have used my PC to surf or check their email and never realized they were using that complicated scary Linux OS.

Comment Re:in before the idiots (Score 1) 165

It's not cultural miscommunication.. it's just communication period.. Most people with a problem that needs solving could care less where you are, or even that you have an accent, as long as they can understand you and that they feel you are understanding them.. but words, and meanings are only part of communicating.. Even if an offshore worker strings together the words in the same order as an onshore worker, it can have the same effect that most computer text readers do,, you say.. "what ?".. Onshore/offshore aside,, you can have people read a book out loud and have vastly different results for the listener even though all the same words were spoken. The ability to read and speak does not mean you will be good at reading to people.. If an offshore workers is good at communicating effectively then they are in the right job, if not.. then they are not.

Comment Ridiculus (Score 1) 276

Even before 911, the US had a pretty strict visa policy.. Yes there were/are abuses, mostly people coming and never going back. It's part of what makes 911 so suspicious. People were, and are, declined visas every day even without explanation. People with legitimate passports and visa's were and are turned back at the port of entry.. There is no "right to visit the US".. The whole point of a visa system is to weed out bad intent.. The whole point of a passport system, is to control entry.. It's why we have US embassies, and why we have immigration and customs,, In the "scenario" provided, why would such a person be given a visa in the first place ?.. Wouldn't it be easier to collect a list of known bad people and their friends, and just deny them at the get go ?.. In "visa required countries", even people unknown to intelligence agencies, have to provide proof as to who they are and reasonable explanations about their visit, and convince the embassy of their intentions to return.. The sorting it out after someone has arrived method, does not make sense.. It's like installing anti-virus after you have already been infected.

Comment Re:If... (Score 1) 129

Phones have hardware speed limits.. 3G and 4G have theoretical speed limits .. when you buy 3G or 4G plans, you have the expectation that they will provide you with the fastest speed they can provide for that technology.. For someone who bought the LTE cool-aide they already believe themselves to be on the "fastest" plan.. To now say, your on the fast plan, but we can open it up for a few more dollars begs to be the source of a class action lawsuit.. This speed boost also does not appear to be an "always on" speed level, but more like an enticement for use when you know that you are going to need more bandwidth.. They are targeting specific bandwidth using applications, by offering improved service. You should be getting the fastest service they can provide regardless of what your doing with the bits... Now if your getting your hardware and theoretical 3G/4G limits, and they want to bump you beyond them for a price.. different story.

Comment Re:How about net-install? (Score 1) 488

I've done the net install, no problems really.. It takes some time, but then it also takes time to download, burn, and install from a DVD.. I suppose it could be stated that it is nice to have the hard copy as backup, but then we are talking Linux here,, How often have I used the Install disk more than the initial install ?.. Well truthfully, never.. When my motherboard died, I just installed a new one and kind of lucked out in that everything worked even though the two boards had different video chips. I lived without the hardware drivers (due to laziness) for a month or three, and decided to try redoing my system with another distro.. I had several backups of various distros I could install (including Debian net-install), but instead downloaded a new ISO, burned, installed.. Now, if my hard drive ever quits, I suppose it will be a different can of worms, and I'll be thankful to have a backup CD.

Comment Re:I stopped reading the responses after... (Score 1) 920

It does not say that marijuana is addictive.. stop smoking and getting into a hissy fit because it's not going your way.. and learn to read.. It says "marijuana use is associated with addiction".. and that is undisputed,, Find me a meth or Heroin user that did not smoke pot first.. That you can control yourself, or that you may know 5 other people who can control themselves does not take away from the fact that a large number of people who smoke pot, also end up trying these other addictive drugs.. It's about getting "high", and that eventually ends up into finding alternative highs.. Learn to deal with life without pot.

Comment Re:This is huge. (Score 1, Insightful) 166

Actually.. this is a state park.. requires a fee to enter.. Given that, I am inclined to agree those that have paid to enter should expect some policing.. In my mind, requiring a fee changes it's status from public access to private paid access.. The issue here is not about filming in a public place.. in fact I am certain they could have filmed all day long.. even in a Bigfoot suit.. the issue was whether the filming was harassing other guests.. Let's say they did the same thing even without filming it.. or let's say they (without their Bigfoot suit) just hid behind trees on a trail and jumped out to scare people to see their reaction.. In either case film or no film, you would expect them to be kicked out.. It was nice of them to state their intent before doing it.. and reasonable of the park to refuse to let them.

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