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Comment Re:Nokia has great packaging too! (Score 1) 639

My point being...perhaps the packaging doesn't have much difference to the success of the company as you think...

It is part of the total package was the point of the article and it worked for me. When I bought my first iPod back in 2002, I had never seen a product packaged in such a pretty way. A company that cares about that much detail amazed me. First impressions are a mighty thing.

Comment Re:Good news (Score 3, Interesting) 61

But seriously, who *actually* reads journals any more?

Only the best scientist and researchers in the world.

All we need to do is latch on some peer review and ranking system onto the arXiv (or similar) and we get rid of all of these outdated journals.

Sounds like a restricted wikipedia and we all know that wikipedia is immune from mis-information. Honestly, I don't see any issue with journals. They are peer reviewed and most are digital and fully-indexed these days. Journals provide about the only reliable, authoritative documentation on the internet.

Comment Re:I'm postponing buying toothpaste (Score 2) 291

There's a guy in town that uses a laser to get the plaque off

My dad did laser dentistry back in the early 90s to zap cavities. It was really cool because the laser would intensify when you ran over dark spots(he used a black business card to demonstrate it). Overall, it was a 50k machine that was apparently way ahead of its time since we don't really see laser dentistry everywhere(or the insurance problem that you stated).

Comment Re:Famicom (Score 1) 149

Its' famicom, not famicon.

Both are technically right.

Family Computer => famicom

My poor attempt at Romaji since Slashdot doesn't support Japanese...
famarii conputa => famicon

Since the product came from Japan and was never marketed as such to the US...


Samsung Blames Galaxy SIII Burn On "External Energy Source" 169

MojoKid writes "Samsung has some great news for Galaxy SIII smartphone owners. As it turns out, your mobile device isn't at risk of overheating to the point where it catches on fire and burns through its casing, as a forum member at Boards.ie claimed was the case with his Galaxy SIII a couple of weeks ago. [Note: And has since retracted.] Fire Investigations UK (FIUK), an independent third-party organization, assisted Samsung with looking into the matter, and here's what they concluded: 'The energy source responsible for generating the heat has been determined as external to the device... the device was not responsible for the cause of the fire,' FIUK said in a statement. 'The only way it was possible to produce damage similar to the damage recorded within the owner's damaged device was to place the devices or component parts within a domestic microwave.'"

Comment Re:Clerk was doing their job... (Score 1) 1116

When selling a system you ask the following: 1) Intended use 2) Final destination of system

Accept for the part that the clerk didn't ask. The clerk just assumed that it was going to Iran because the girl spoke Farsi. As the article asked... should Apple also not sell to people speaking Korean and Spanish because North Korean and Cuba are export banned countries as well?

Comment Re:Dune (Score 1) 726

Dune remains the all-time great, in my opinion. It pulls together many different themes... It's a coming of age story, it's about becoming a leader, it's about making do with circumstances, and it's about the struggle for resources (spice, water).

I don't think an eight year old would enjoy Dune. And... the books are somewhat inappropriate when it gets to the spice orgies and such.

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