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Comment Re:The USPS needs a job. (Score 1) 548

It used to be a state responsibility until about ten years ago, when the federal government took over collection and distribution to the states. Unlikely to happen in the US, but you never know, power might one day be wrestled from the local governments. For imports it is collected at customs on items worth over $1k. I have never seen any reference to it for electronic goods---with the exception of high-value goods at customs, the consumer never has to pay GST directly.

What happens when the Australian gov't goes after the company to pay up and finds out that its nothing more than incorporation papers locked in a file cabinet?

Whoever ran the company gets charged with tax evasion. See here.

Comment Re:Australia does a simple job here (Score 1) 768

Here there is once price for each discipline, irrespective of the location. Anyone can go to any university in the country for the same price: $8859/year for the higher paying professions, down to $5310 for those that bring less fortune, and $4429 for areas that are suffering shortages (maths and the sciences at the moment, though nursing used to be on the list as well).


Comment Re:NK B.S. (Score 1) 417

Since GPS is spread spectrum, access to the code would allow far better performance. The analogy I suppose being that it would be easier to speak over white noise than someone speaking the same language with the same voice as the other person that you are trying to communicate with.

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