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Comment censorship (Score 4, Informative) 29

Fucktard Timothy opens with "..., I don’t know if censorship is exactly the right word for it, but an incident that recently took place to do with publication of some security information – can you talk about what happened exactly?"

In whose deluded mind would censorship NOT be "exactly the right word for it"??

Comment Re:Problem is.... (Score 1, Interesting) 533

The problem is, nobody wants to wear glasses, even people who need them for vision correction. That's why contacts were invented, and laser vision correction. So why, oh why, would we ditch glasses, only to wear different glasses.

Because normal glasses imply that your eyes are faulty and people don't like announcing thier flaws in such an obvious way if they could help it. Because normal glasses imply you do a little bit too much book readin', so you obviously need to be picked on. Conversely, Google Glass doesn't try to correct a physical impairment you have, so it isn't really a fair comparison.

Comment Re:Too caught up on appearances (Score 1) 533

I spent a good number of years as a college student, both undergrad and grad, and carried a backpack with me all the time. I've continued to carry a backpack even after graduation, and no one has ever given me a dirty look, much less said anything to me about it. I probably wouldn't take a backpack into a bar, but I do take one just about everywhere else.

Comment Segways are a terrible comparison (Score 4, Insightful) 533

The segway rant in the summary is ridiculous. Segways never caught on because they fail as a replacement for cars. People still need to get their groceries home and their kids to soccer practice, and they would still revert back to using their car when it rains. That fact alone makes Segways an addition as opposed to a replacement for cars, and Segways are way too expensive to be an additional cost. Secondly, if a large portion of a population started using Segways, there would still be a large portion that also used cars, so we couldn't just rebrand the streets for Segway use. A few Segways on the sidewalk is a novelty. Hundreds at one time would be silly. Whatever the "irrational reasons people love their cars," there are still a great deal of rational reasons why people love their cars, so the "irrational" argument is moo. Of course most of the large trucks and suvs on the streets are unnecessary, but those would be replaced by smaller cars, not moving platforms that people have to stand on for miles at a time. Maybe Google Glass will catch on and maybe it won't but that has nothing to do with the failure of the Segway to actually solve the problem it wanted to solve.

Comment Re:!(Prisoner's Dilemma) (Score 1) 626

You might want to go over that logic again. If the innocent one says he is innocent, then he isn't lying for his brother or for anyone else. He would be telling the truth and so wouldn't be guilty of anything. I have The only way your scenario makes sense is if you start out with the assumption that the innocent brother is helping the guilty one in some way.

Comment Re:whats the problem (Score 1) 177

So how do you determine if something weights Y in 2013? You put it on a scale right? And how do you know that scale is accurate? You put the reference material on the scale and make sure it reads Y. This is called calibration, and you can't do it accurately without actually handling the reference material.

Comment Re:Worthless (Score -1) 313

If you think the purpose of a demonstration/event is "nude tits for the onlookers", you're a moron whose thought centre has moved from cranium to crotch.

The purpose of a demonstration/event is to advertise a product and create interest in said product. There's a reason people say "sex sells," and commercials always have sexy, or at least attractive, actresses in them. Maybe you should do some research about advertising, specifically sex in advertising, before you call someone else a moron, moron.

Comment Re:The Firefox what? (Score 2) 74

Most App stores that are already out have both free items and pay items. The lack of pay items is the only thing keeping the Ubuntu Software Center from being called the Ubuntu App Store really. But if Ubuntu did start offering pay items through the Ubuntu Software Center, would that be so bad? More options in convenient places is a good thing. Similarly, more app stores can only give more options, not less, so that would be a good thing too. Or are you the type of person that WANTS to consume only what your Apple overlords tell you to? In other words, no one is forcing you to use every app store out there, and it doesn't make sense to want to limit thier existence.

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