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Comment Re:warranty in case of bankruptcy? (Score 1) 302

With my 8350 when you remove an app you had to reboot the phone, any and all apps even if you just installed them. Now with their new BB app system you can remove them if they don't require too much access, like a game but if they have access to call logs or text's then you have to reboot. their newer phones might not have this issue but it's one that's anoyed me for years.

Comment Re:warranty in case of bankruptcy? (Score 1) 302

I honestly think it's because they've done nothing to make the black berry start up faster, it can take anywhere from 2-4 minutes depending on the device and how many apps you have installed, and yet Apple and Google products take less then a minute to reboot? I'm sorry but when it comes to my data I don't want to have to wait up to 4 minutes to be able to get back to texting/calling after each time I remove an app from my cell phone. I believe RIM's lack of choice on improving their market for getting and installing apps was their final nail in the playbooks coffin.

Comment Re:Biased much? (Score 1) 302

To be exact, 51% of them have the Google-branded device, 52% are on iOS tablets, while 8% are on those with other platforms, such as Blackberry OS.

I find your lack of Math disturbing, 51% + 52% + 8% = 111% Considering that is an impossible number I believe you need to start linking some hard core data to back up what you are talking about. Also, if you were trying to be Exact about it you would have noticed your numbers where wrong in the first place.

Comment 1-2 why more? (Score 1) 380

I mean unless your in another country why would you need any more than 2? I mean when I go to work I've got another ID badge so that would be 3, I mean the two I normally carry is the my Driver licence and my costco card that has a picutre on it too. My wife's got like 2 credit cards that have her picture on them and I think that's a little too much.

Comment Lock down (Score 1) 671

I love how everyone says boot usb or cd, but if your IT department was smart enough they would have disabled the boot other devices made the HDD the first and only boot option and then locked you out of the bios so you couldn't change it. If you really much do personal thing on the computer ask the company what you can and can not do with the laptop. If they say you can't do anything, buy your self another hard drive install your OS of choice and move on. Don't mess with their partitions and/or anything that's on the hard drive that's already there because most encryption software will log that kind of thing or prevent you from using the hard drive at all. I've got my work computer locked down, but it's video card is also really nice so I did this to my laptop. can't boot up CD's or USB sticks on it so another hard drive was my only options short of running a shell on top of my OS that it starts off with.

Comment Updates not Upgrades (Score 1) 807

Since they came out with the whole plan on making small changes then calling it a new version I think is annoying, they don't need to play 'catch up' on version numbers with chrome and IE because Firefox hasn't been around as long as IE if you don't count it's source being a part of what Netscape ended with. I didn't mine version 6 and when 8 came out I was happy. I started to become annoyed with 9 and 10 of Firefox because the people who make all the add-on’s I use are running in to compatibility issues. As for chrome, sure it's fast and cool looking but it still doesn't load 100% of the internet like IE was made to do Perfect example is . Until Google fixes its issues I'll never use it. I'll stick with Firefox and IE

Comment VPN's really? (Score 1) 720

The Government and almost every business in the world that has people working away from the office uses VPN's so they are saying that their own employees are terrorists? This is just another one of those 'people with power' don't understand a god damn thing on how shit works. Unless you know of all 'good' and 'bad' uses for VPN's you shouldn't be aloud to say shit on the matter let alone call people names because of it.

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