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Comment my hp office laptop crashed (Score 1) 480

My office latop was left on by me(it has been on since 6 months) as I never carried it home. Today morning when I came to office the screen saver was frozen. I run xfce and xscreensaver, screen saver freeze is common on my fedora 9. So I tried ssh and ping from another machine but none worked. It was very hot too,(i never found it hot in the past even after a return from 4 days of vacation). I had to hard reboot. From the cron log messages it seems to have died around 7 pm on Dec. 31st.
Dec 31 16:01:01 linlap CROND[14254]: (root) CMD (run-parts /etc/cron.hourly)
Dec 31 17:01:01 linlap CROND[16688]: (root) CMD (run-parts /etc/cron.hourly)
Dec 31 18:01:01 linlap CROND[19115]: (root) CMD (run-parts /etc/cron.hourly)
Jan 2 08:43:39 linlap crond[2461]: (CRON) STARTUP (1.0)
Jan 2 08:43:41 linlap anacron[2518]: Anacron 2.3 started on 2009-01-02
Jan 2 08:43:41 linlap anacron[2518]: Will run job `cron.daily' in 65 min.

Comment Re:Indian Penal Code (Score 1) 269

I agree, I grew up in India, it would take one whole new generation, that is another 50 years for an average indian administrative officer's mind set to evolve. Cops are most idiotic because that profession pays very very low salary, no housing(quaters will have a 20 year waitlist) and lots of risk. A city cop must take bribes just to afford rent. Lack of courts in india is a very big handycap, trials can simply go on forever. So normal citizen can't even think of going to court against corruption. It is so bad that I could not get my driver's license on my own, they just made me run around from one officer to another but when I paid an agent, no tests were taken and just went to the agent's shop two days later and collected it. No ethics, no right/wrong nothing, only money rules.

Comment There never existed a security system which.... (Score 1) 152

There never existed a security system which can't be broken. As security systems evolve, the break-ins into the system too. An intelligent animal called a human creates a security system, why it can't be broken by the same but another instance of this intelligent human animal? Agreed, different instances of this human have different level of intelligence yet there will always be an human instance more intelligent than the creator of the security system. We sometimes call this "Theory of natural progression". It is a matter of time and evolution when this too will be broken.

Ans: Only another species of animal much more intelligent than an human can create a secure system for the inferior species. For example - we can create a real secure system for a chimp. Therefore, from my point of view security systems are good for only comforting us with a false sense of security.

Comment nc on linux (Score 1) 2362


The nc (or netcat) utility is used for just about anything under the sun involving TCP or UDP. It can open TCP connections, send UDP packets, listen on arbitrary TCP and UDP ports, do port scanning, and deal with both IPv4 and IPv6. Unlike telnet(1), nc scripts nicely, and separates error messages onto standard error instead of sending them to standard output, as telnet(1) does with some.

Common uses include:

simple TCP proxies
shell-script based HTTP clients and servers
network daemon testing
a SOCKS or HTTP ProxyCommand for ssh(1)
and much, much more

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