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Comment Re:Common sense prevails! (Only Partially!) (Score 1) 545

I'm also fairly certain the overall research/trial time for military vaccines is shorter than civilian ones

I wonder how improvements in logistics and remotely operated weapons systems change the need for this. The danger of having everyone on a base be incapacitated by illness while surrounded by a hostile enemy was huge 50 years ago and would easily outweigh possible dangers from side effects of a less-tested vaccine. Now, it's far easier to have drone patrols protecting a quarantined base and deliver men and equipment from reserves far away to fill the gaps in an overall strategy.

Comment Re:wtf (Score 1) 54

It's hard to translate miles into actual value. 30K United miles + fees buys you a transatlantic flight. When I was looking a couple of weeks ago, it was the same going from LHR to EWR or SFO, with $188 for the UK leg and about $6 in the other direction (UK airport taxes are pretty huge). The round trip to SFO is about $1200 without the miles, so 60K miles works out to about $1K on that. That makes the value of 250K miles about $4000. This is a pretty low bug bounty.

On the other hand, the value depends a lot on whether they count as premiere qualifying miles and flight miles or not. If they count as PQM then the 250K is enough to give you the highest level of premiere status, which means you're at the head of the queue for upgrades and get a number of other benefits. If they count as flight miles (exceedingly unlikely!) then it's a quarter of the way to the million mile thing, which gives you star alliance gold for life (and, having flown far too much recently, I can attest to the fact that gold status makes it far less annoying. Apparently it actually become enjoyable at higher levels, but I'm hoping not to fly enough to find out).

Comment Re:You cannot know *WHO* is voting (Score 2) 258

I'm not sure about the 'Left', but the Democratic party in the USA tends to have more support among people with the technical ability to rig elections if they were held online. The Republican party tends to have the support of the people who own the companies that can rig them if they're not. With this in mind, it doesn't seem surprising that neither party is in favour of paper ballots.

Comment Re:I do have email bias (Score 1) 461

Because one of the strengths of email is that it is a decentralised, multi-vendor platform. The fact that you use gmail doesn't prevent me from using hotmail, yahoo, or whatever, or rolling my own. And that works fine, until one or two players has a dominant position. See what Google has done with their XMPP support, for example. When they were the underdog, they were happy to federate with everyone in a vendor-neutral network. Now they're increasingly trying to lock users into using their network (I think federating is up at the moment, but you can't add new contacts on non-Google-hosted domains).

The other aspect is privacy. If a certain percentage of my social graph uses gmail, then it doesn't matter that I don't - Google can still get a fairly accurate view of the shape of that graph, which is valuable to them. The other poster claimed that it's a reaction to whatever is popular, and he's right in a sense: email is a more robust network when there are no particularly popular providers and when people are fairly evenly spread between a smaller number.

Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 461

Most of the time, if someone is using a free webmail email address for business, I'd consider it a warning sign, with AOL not seeming particularly worse than Hotmail or GMail. Builders are probably my main exception to this, because they're one of the few contracting jobs where technological competence is not essential. That said, the last two builders I hired were through a web site that allows you to post jobs, have tradesmen bid for them, and hire them online, so a baseline knowledge is increasingly required for getting work.

Comment Re:What does it say about you? (Score 1) 461

They need to contain valid WHOIS information, but there's no requirement that every email address on a domain be owned by one person. More importantly, even if they're not anonymous, you can easily create a single email address for each company that you do business with and delete it afterwards (or, better, redirect it to the spam honeypot address on your mail server).

Comment Re: News for nerds (Score 2) 866

There are a lot of different beliefs requiring magical thinking. You can believe in any of them, even many of them, without believing in the others. Some of them are even self-contradictory. There are some atheists that believe in ghosts; but oddly, many Christians and Muslims also believe in ghosts, though they already have a whole theology about what happens after death that does not include hanging around on the Earth, causing mischief and pestering Hamlet.

I don't have polling data, but it does pass the sniff test to assume that one form of magical thinking, inculcated from birth, would tend to make the personality more at-risk of accepting other magical-thinking proposals.

Comment Re:Money or Art? (Score 4, Informative) 175

If that's the message you get from TFA, then I can only assume that you gave up after the first few paragraphs. I'd recommend going and reading the rest. I don't see how you can square that message with this quote from TFA, for example:

Though I never intended for Auro to be a “retro-style” game, what I intended doesn’t matter at all, and it’s 100% my fault for failing to communicate in a language people understand.

Comment Re:$30 (Score 1) 515

Really? Last time I went to Edinburgh it was on the cheapest ticket type. The restriction was that I needed to go on the train that I booked, but that wasn't particularly arduous (and no different from a plane). The only time I don't buy those is when I'm coming from the airport and have unknown delays at immigration / baggage claim. As to the limited numbers, I think they're only sold 2 weeks in advance, but I've not normally found booking trains for a trip 2 weeks in advance to be a problem, and if it's an emergency then I would generally expect to pay a bit more.

Comment Re:An Old Story (Score 1) 386

C++11 has, for me, made the language tolerable. The old problem of C++ is still there: everyone agrees that you should only use a subset of the language, but no two developers agree on what that subset should be. Now, at least, there are things in the standard library that let you write APIs that have sensible memory management. shared_ptr and weak_ptr let you manage objects that can be aliased (with a small run-time overhead), unique_ptr lets you handle objects that can't be. Refactoring existing C++ APIs to use them takes a bit of time, but they're well worth it. With the addition of move constructors / r-value references to the language they can be implemented in such a way that they can trivially be stored in arbitrary collections, making them actually useful.

It's also been nice to see C++11 and C++14 supported by compilers and standard libraries quickly. C++14 was supported by Clang and libc++ by the time the standard was ratified by ISO. I think GCC and libstdc++ were only a couple of days later. Microsoft is still the slowest, but the latest versions of their compiler support most of the useful language features.

Comment Re:Pretty sure the heat death of the universe will (Score 1) 386

While this works as far as it goes, it restricts your library boundaries to POD types with no templates and no overloading. This doesn't completely defeat the point of using C++, but it does mean, for example, that you have to fall back to C-style memory management (no std::shared_ptr / std::unique_ptr, which modern C++ libraries should be using for pretty much anything that crosses an API boundary).

Comment Re:Pretty sure the heat death of the universe will (Score 1) 386

Just because a piece of software is old, doesn't mean it's suddenly doesn't do its intended function.

It usually does, because the intended function changes over time. This is particularly true for business software (COBOL's niche), where regulatory requirements change over time and as companies grow to cover more jurisdictions, where accounting best practices change, where the company structure changes, and so on. Eventually you get to the point where the software was originally designed to do something so totally different to what it's doing now that it may make more sense to rewrite it than to keep adding hacks.

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