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Comment Re:Not seeing a problem with that. (Score 4, Informative) 219

NICNET (http://www.nic.in) has long been used in India for government mails and official data. You literally have dedicated VSAT connections etc. to it in offices, and it is a separate network in itself.

The Indian army too for obvious reasons, just like its counterparts everywhere, maintains its own nationwide network, and does not allows internet connections to it.

All they are asking is, that officials use these network, which are NOT public, instead of allowing the data to pass over any backbone that US has control over. And thus no classified data is expected to ever hit any backbone that is in US control.

Comment Re:mexico drug wars is bad for makeing phones (Score 3, Interesting) 110

Criticizing American government is racism? If you are talking about the stereotype of Americans being ignorant dumb-asses, well that does exists, but is largely due to your allowing the said politicians to be in power, and yet having delusional beliefs about yourself to be a democracy. Normally the world wouldn't care btw, except for your insane laws and policies being exported out to rest of us as well eventually via treaties.

Comment Re:Electricty has made daylight savings obsolete (Score 1) 646

Except that your same employers ARE at the moment, playing a nice game of "let us pretend" to allow you to go home early. If they are willing to let you go home early, while there is still daylight, all that is being said is that they can do the same without all this nonsense of pretending that clock starts early or late.

But the fact that you fail to conceive that your employer can simply be requested to simply change the working hours in winters and summers(And that IS what they are actually doing, genius!) without all this resetting of your watches/systems and trying to convince the world that planet earth magically skipped an hour ahead or behind.... well that failure explains why you thinks OTHERS are ignorant, instead of realizing how moronic your work-around is.


Comment Re:Ban lobbying (Score 1) 165

Does he becomes a senator without your and others' vote? I thought the idea was that no matter how rich you are, you still get only 1 vote. So why does a guy who uses the votes of Johnny public to get his position, ends up working for Johnny rich instead? If you hire a plumber to do your work, will you be okay if he spends the time instead, fixing the stuff of the rich folks across the street?

Why shouldn't sony, BMG etc. fix their broken business model, instead of asking everyone else to spend time and money on their behalf?

Comment Ban lobbying (Score 5, Insightful) 165

Yes, because everyone *else* in the world even remotely/tangentially having anything to do with digital media, has an obligation to spend considerable time and money protecting Sony, BMG. etc.'s business.

Search engines must hire additional coders to ensure that internet is censored as per Sony 's whims. Hardware manufacturing companies must spend significant extra money on ensure DRM compliance. ISPs must spy on their customers to ensure that no copyright-infringement happens. Police which is funded by public tax money(you and me) must spend valuable time and effort on catching the nefarious "music stealers". Senators who are elected by the people and paid by public tax money, must instead ensure laws favoring BMG/Sony that make copying files a worse crime than rape or murder.

Whereas, the same "victim" companies, move their headquarters outside to cheat the American public out of the benefits of any tax money they might have had to pay. We have all the obligations to them. They have none to us or even the actual creators of the said music etc.

Soon doctors will likely be required to ensure that they perform free deafening procedures on everyone who might end up listening to "infringing music".

The solution is simple. Realize that lobbying is equivalent to bribery and force your senator to pass a law against it.

Comment Re:Basic Argument Failure (Score 1) 292

There are useful hypothetical concepts and harmful ones, and everything in between. To think that a claim about a specific hypothetical concept applies to them all is arse-about thinking, a logical fallacy known as arguing from the specific to the general.

So splitting of a species based on "imaginary boundaries", into different factions and having world wars based on same, resulting in millions of deaths is a "useful hypothetical concept" to you? It seems like there is arse-about thinking and there is talking out of one's arse.

I think that's unlikely, but if he is, he has some company.

Indeed, so I notice. Pity. But at least you realize where you stand, which is a good thing.

Comment Re:Exception to Betteridge's law!! (Score 4, Insightful) 292

If the concept of cyberspace is stupid, so is the concept of political boundaries. Both are merely hypothetical concepts devised by men. The author of the article is a moron. You cannot legitimately argue that "USA", "UK or "China" are any more real than cyberspace. We simply agree that there is an imaginary line dividing nations, much like we "pretend" that corporations are persons. If governments are willing to accept these, there is nothing less "real" about cyberspace either.

Comment Re:Clever (Score 1) 314

Problem here is that you will have to outright ban encryption to solve this problem. Here is a PERFECT analogy. Let us say you run a private company that provide lockers storage space at subways/bus stops etc. This is being abused by drug cartels to store drugs. A case may be made that since it is your company's property, it is your duty to go and check each and every locker periodically for drugs etc.and you can be held responsible(just because police/govt thinks your business is a nuisance for them). Will you be willing to go to jail in this case, for actions of the users of the said lockers? Or are you arguing for empowering the govt. to shutdown any business that are not technically illegal, but are "inconvenient" for them and their "sponsors"?

What exactly is the difference between a public lockers providing company and what mega is doing? Via encryption, they have made their business exactly like public lockers. If you think they are doing something illegal, you will have to ban public lockers too, since they are providing an identical service.

You might not be a lawyer, but as a techie you are expected to utilize your brain a bit. And you are expected to know that a bought judge can be made to rule whichever way you want, and it will have nothing to do with actual justice and having fair and just laws.

Comment Re:Clever (Score 1) 314

Let us argue it this way. US Govt is responsible for preventing crimes/murders/corruption etc. across the nation. People *still* commit those. Have any bureaucrats been jailed lately for *others* committing such acts? Better still, we all know that it is possible to outright buy senators and thus laws, via lobbying, leading to corruption of the entire US democratic process. Has the senate or any of the CEOs of lobbying corporates been jailed for such acts? It is interesting how one party can be made "morally responsible" for actions of others and punished, and people get brainwashed with THAT argument, while turning a blind eye to EXACTLY the same stuff pulled off those in power. If you argue that mega somehow has a responsibility for actions of others, then so do our senators. Since they want extra-ordinary powers like the PATRIOT act, and a super-bloated budget, it follows that a single incident of someone still managing to sneak in on an airplane with explosives, should similarly result in everyone who votes for the laws and budgets being prosecuted with similar over-zealousness. Accepting this kind of hypocrisy is precisely why your "freedoms" in USA, are the mess they are today. And worse, you are exporting the madness abroad with your IP/trade treaties etc.

Comment Re:Why would they stop developing weaponry? (Score 1) 384

I am not sure what exactly you are trying to say here. I suspect neither do you.

Americans by and large, always tend to paint WW2 as the ultimate battle between "good and evil", and how they finally "saved the world". World War II was initially two colonial powers vying for controls. Britishers, contrary to whatever they may have you believe, were NOT fighting Germans because Germans were very "evil". Hitler would funnily enough, have had a very limited role in history. His initial aims were to simply gain back the territories lost to Poland due to treaty of Versailles(through diplomacy actually, believe it or not). Britain's usual lust for controlling and ruling the world, saw them guaranteeing Poland its independence, which led to Hitler failing in his diplomatic attempts. Hitler did not one day wake up, and decided that he wanted to rule the world. Since Britain set itself as Germany's enemy, and declared war on Germany after its invasion of Poland, Hitler got an opportunity to cement his power even more, and launch his holocaust agenda under guise of "war necessity". To be fair, Germany was simply trying to regain its lost territories initially.(I am not trying to justify Hitler here btw). Britain and France basically feared a new rising power so close back home. And in that mix, in jumped Italy and Russia. Cue World War 2. Hitler may have been trying to become a local power, but it was Britain and France declaring a war against it, which forced it on a campaign to move against Britain all over Europe and allying with other powers. Pakistan keeps trying to win back Kashmir from India. It is apparently not "evil" for starting wars to do so as per USA, and is an "important ally".

So if starting wars is not an evil act then all you have then, is the Holocaust. And we just proved that Britain had killed 10 times more folks than Hitler ever did, in the holocaust, making Britain 10 times more evil than Hitler/Nazis. And therefore USA actually sided up with the more evil guys. I mean the guys who did Holocaust times ten, in India. So how can US claim being one of the good guys then? You do not have to remember every genocide in history. But Americans have a tendency to blow anything they got remotely involved in, as the more important event since the big bang. Every thing they do, including brushing their teeths in the morning, and from sneezing, and bombing the crap out of civilians, carrying out assassinations, or funding the drug trade in Afghanistan in 80s, is to "SAAAAVEEE THE WORLDDDDD!!!"(tm). That was the only thing I was commenting on. Feel free to argue whatever you wish, beyond that.

Comment Re:If an asteroid were to strike Earth within an h (Score 5, Insightful) 256

I suppose unlike the dinosaurs, we can also survive for a long long time without needing to breathe? Cretaceous atmosphere is supposed to have been much more oxygen rich(50% more apparently) based on QMS analysis of ancient air bubbles trapped in amber. The higher oxygen content plausibly explains the huge sizes attained by many species too(since the related metabolism could be supported back then). I suppose the said 99.9% of the people of earth will all evolve overnight to make do with 50% less oxygen again? How about no sunlight for years? Stored grains and canned food will support you for years, with crop failures?

Also keep in mind, that all the dried dead plants from lack of sunlight will give rise to plenty of inflammable carbon fuel lying around. We are talking about a world wide wildfire. It is interesting how some people think of meteorite as something like a huge nuke, that will kill everything directly/instantly.

Close calls like these do need to be made as sensational as possible, to remind people how important it is to not put all your eggs in one basket, and why cutting NASA's budget is like deciding to do away with life jackets on a ship, so as to "not waste money".

Comment Re:compete instead of complain (Score 1) 768

Let us put this another way then. Let us say that you are stuck say in NY, on September 11th 2001. Or some similar situation, perhaps a natural catastrophe. Food and supplies are scarce. Especially clean drinking water. Your rich neighbor goes and buys 15000 bottles of water from all the stores around for miles. Because he is rich. While your loved ones/little babies are dying of thirst.

And you will be just grinning and watching it happen. Because showing any concern about this sort of hoarding of resources, which impact your loved ones? That will be you just envying the rich, right?

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