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Comment Re:Don't over generalize (Score 1) 728

There's a double standard here.

In every other context, lack of due diligance is cause for concern, and that's not considered "victim blaming".

For example, if somebody leaves their car parked on the street with the windows rolled down and the keys in the ignition prior to it getting stolen, then anyone hearing the story would not be out of line asking them why they thought that was a good idea.

Their question would never be construed as absolving the car thief of responsibility for their crime, except maybe if the car owner was a woman.

Comment Re:Don't over generalize (Score 4, Insightful) 728

Trolls of this nature are unusual and they don't just target women. They target everyone.

For some reason, it's culturally acceptable for men to learn how to defend themselves from sociopaths (who, like all predators prefer soft targets to hard targets).

However if anyone ever tries to talk about teaching women any kind of self defense, the accusations of "victim blaming" start up immediately.

Which is exactly what you'd expect sociopaths to instigate. Of course they'd oppose any effort to turn soft targets into hard targets.

Comment Re:More feminist bullshit (Score 4, Insightful) 728

The problem is not feminists or anti-feminists.

The problem is sociopaths, and sociopaths come in all genders and races.

Sociopaths are very good at mobilizing well-intentioned humans for their own purposes.

Humans tend to conform to the desires of sociopaths instead of confront them, because natural selection did not historically favor humans who opposed sociopaths.

Comment Navel gazing (Score 5, Insightful) 652

While environmental studies professors continue to pump out ready excuses for imposing increasing economic feudalism in Europe and North America, China and India are going to build out nuclear power and produce energy. I doubt they'll be dissuaded from trying because of anything this professor says.

When people like this say, "the world can't" remember that they actually mean, "we aren't going to let you."

Comment Re: This white-knight shit needs to stop (Score 1) 724

Alimony delinquency is not a trivial problem in this country when men excercise the option to leave their responsibilities at the state line.

On a sidenote, this is yet another problem that Bitcoin will solve for us.

Of course, I mean the problem that bank accounts and income streams can be garnished.

So many men are going benefit from the ability to hold their savings and earn income in a currency which no judge can remotely confiscate.

Comment Re:Is the immune system working? (Score 1) 724

Actually 4chan has been executed.

All the old mods were mass-fired and replaced with new ones, one who have absolutely no connection with the community there.

Word on the street is that Moot has a new group of friends now and is trying to get into the SV startup scene.

New friends didn't approve of 4chan, so handng the site over to executioners was part of his initation ritual.

Comment Re:Inflammatory description of article. (Score 4, Insightful) 724

The degree to which the SJW crowd has to resort to increasingly-inflammatory headlines and articles gives me a lot of hope, because it indicates that the collective unconscious of the Internet really does have a funcitoning immune response that can limit the damaged caused by that particularly nasty virus.

I was worried for a while.

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