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Comment Survival kit contents check (Score 1) 220

"In the bed is a (presumably) zombie-proof Truck Vault storage unit, containing a solar power pack, gas masks, gloves, a military First Aid kit, a folding shovel, and rope. Mounted atop the storage locker are a generator, fuel can, and food and water rations."

Shoot, a fella' could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.

Comment Re:CS knowledge does not translate into the real w (Score 3, Insightful) 121

... but here's an exercise that will translate into the real world... Separate them into two groups, the "M" group, and the "E" group.

The Ms ties the Es group's hands up behind their backs. Then the Ms set themselves on fire, and have to coerce the Es to put the fire out with their hands tied up. If the Ms survive, they get more Es and go again. If the don't, they're replaced with a new M, preferably one from outside who has no idea what just happened.

If I had mod points today, I'd change this from "funny" to "insightful".
It pretty much describes the miserable conditions of the company I just quit.
I won't give any names, but the filthy rich CEO has a thing for sailboats.
That experience left such a bad taste in my mouth wrt IT, that I am looking into going back to college for an entirely different career.

Comment Re:Ballmer is evidence of the role of luck in life (Score 1) 633

Based on his overall personality, I strongly suspect that if Steve Ballmer hadn't just happened to be college buddies with BillG and Paul Allen, chances are pretty good he'd be selling used cars somewhere and enjoying the nearest football team. Instead, we're going to take him seriously for the rest of his natural life and possible beyond.

Exactly! I've long thought he is the perfect stereotype of the used-car salesman.

And there was another CEO who only got his position due to being a roommate, and who's cluelessness helped totally sink his company: Scott McNealy.

Comment 20th Century Witchcraft (Score 5, Informative) 282

Over the years I've seen 3 investigative reports on TV, and read many articles on the topic. It all comes down to the same thing: The polygraph is just a stage prop in an interrogation, for the purpose of scaring the ignorant into confessing. Here is Penn & Tellers report:

Comment Re:How it works (Score 4, Interesting) 330

It trades one addiction for others: religion, caffeine, and nicotine.
It trades personal responsibility for not drinking, and thus drinking, to an imaginary higher power.

There is an athiest/agnostic sub-group of AA, but judging by things found on their FB page, they are having an uphill battle with the powers-that-be in AA.

Comment Re:No Cartwheeling (Score 1) 506

Pictures show the aircraft sat on the ground with the tail missing and the forward roof burnt out but it certainly did NOT cartwheel...

I happened to check news just as this story was breaking. The word "cartwheel" came from the first eyewitness report. The next two eyewitnesses said it "spun". So I'm guessing that the guy who said "cartwheel" doesn't really know what the word means, and that instead it spun on its belly.

The aviation term for such a rotation is "ground loop":

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