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Comment Re:The Bread Price (Score 0) 265

Exactly... and that has a name: inflation. People confuse religion / poverty / food supply with the problem. There are countries in that list which are first world countries. So, if it is not food production (which since more than 100 years ago, scarcity was solved with technology) what do they all have in common? the economic / banking system. Same pattern all over the world: speculation, debt rising, inflation... price increase, increased gap and inequality... it turns to crime, more poor, lack of jobs and opportunities... when it hits the middle class, uprisings are a common thing.

Comment Re:My formula (Score 1) 265

I would say Stupid economic system (speculation, scarcity, inflation) -> Bad Governmen -> Angry People -> Uprising... it is a chain. This will happen even in relatively peaceful places like Costa Rica. Check the pattern: the system creates money based on inflation, inflation makes everything cost more (or money worth less and less, as you want to see it), Governments can't keep up, ever (see the US... even China has a huge debt), more borrowing, food and basic services fail, roads fail, infrastructure fails, labor oportunities go down, inequality, raise of racism, crime (poeple fighting each other for stuff). It begins with the poor and immigrants (the one with less oportunities) then the middle class follows... when an important part of the middle class is affected, riots start.

Comment Re:Populations go up... (Score 1) 265

Availability is a technological issue that in most cases is solved, and if it is not is because bad management of resources or access to technology. The scarcity argument was ok 100 years ago, not today, even with GMO. Food prices go up and down because inflation, and inflation is uncontrolled because how the banking system works and because the same system works with speculation. Then there is this false idea that people are in control of their lives. Poor people (I mean, really poor) will always have more children, it is their scape. You will be amazed to see research that demonstrates that it is not only the lack of access to birth planning techniques but also how sex is an scape in very problematic areas... and a cultural requirement in some areas. So poverty is the cause for big, unplanned, families.

Comment Re:Curious (Score 2, Insightful) 160

In theory as many as possible... but one thing to remember... that predisposition (not predetermination) can be corrected if the ofspring is given the opposite that caused that epigenetic change... meaning with that: love, empathy, education, safety. I always wonder why studies do tests with the most harming techniques and not the opposite.

Comment Well... (Score 1) 445

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." I think that is true enough... may be just a saying but how in hell he will do that. I mean. First, Capitalism is a competitive thing... people loose, people win, that should be clear even for Bill Gates. What we need here to erradicate poverty is a cooperative system. Money is just a device, an invention that grew bigger than its purpose. This guy may be the smartests guy alive for business but he needs to see outside the box. Funny thing is he has the time and the money to do so... so questions arise on what is the real plan or how he plans to do it. For as long as I remember each year we have more benefical concerts, programs, donations, etc... the amount of money destined to charity is huge... I agree is not well managed but poverty increases at a higher rate. Something must be wrong in the wiring of capitalism.

Comment Well... (Score 5, Insightful) 191

If he would have the right intention to measure response time both bug reports should have been filed at the same time... filing a seocnd one with the text saying "hoping it gets more attention than the competition" is pretty biased and provocative to the actions.

Comment You are not a god (Score 1) 532

The problem, as I see it, is that even if you test it against everything that "everything" is what the tester think it is everything... there are a lot of programmers here so it should be no surprise that even if you are a security freak there is always a chance that something is missing, overlooked. Take of and landing are critical and it is were small things can cause a big mess so I don't think it is a big deal to turn things off. There is no even one single unbiased, to the point, non confusing research about cell phones and cancer for example... I don't know but turning the cell phone 5-10 minutes during a flight is ok with me.

Comment Oh wait (Score 1) 997

If there is an specific goal and people is motivated they will cope with it for a short time but the correct answer is NO, it is not the right thing to do. I mean you can do the favor for a couple of weeks if it is for a deadline but working like crazy ... and until the company is profitable... by the way, when and how it is profitable because maybe profitable means to work 11 hours a day for an entire year. If profitable means 1 month of 11/24 hs work with no pay, ok but there must be something in return at the end, written.

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