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Comment Re:Not a Surprise (Score 1) 375

"Right-to-work" refers to state laws that prohibits an employer and a union from agreeing that union membership will be required as a condition of employment. They have nothing to do with non-compete clauses. I made the same mistake when I first started researching "right-to work" because I signed a non-compete way back in the day before I knew any better.
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Slashdot Most Overrated Blog According to TIME ( 16

Amit Agarwal writes: "In their annual list of Top 25 blogs, the TIME magazine has added Slashdot to the category of most overrated blogs. The review says — Reading Slashdot these days is like visiting the IT guy at work. He's infuriatingly smug and cares passionately about stuff you don't care about, and views your lack of interest as further confirmation of his intellectual superiority."

Feed Science Daily: Imaging Neural Progenitor Cells In The Living Human Brain (

For the first time, investigators have identified a way to detect neural progenitor cells, which can develop into neurons and other nervous system cells, in the living human brain using a type of imaging called magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The finding may lead to improved diagnosis and treatment for depression, Parkinson's disease, brain tumors, and a host of other disorders.

Feed Science Daily: Training Quiets Aging Reflexes (

Older participants in a 5-week balance class saw their balance improve on average by 19.5 percent. Researchers attribute much of this improvement to training geared toward minimizing the influence of the participants' aging and less reliable reflexes.

Feed Science Daily: Venus Flytrap Inspired Lenses May Lead To New Adhesives, Optics, Coatings (

Imagine paint that adheres to a surface, but releases on command or road signs that change their reflectivity with changing weather conditions. These are two potential uses of a novel, responsive material. Inspired by the way a Venus flytrap captures its pray, scientists created a polymer surface covered with small holes capped by thin lenses of the same material. The lenses can snap between convex and concave when triggered.

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