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Comment Perfectly plausible... (Score 3, Insightful) 263

Especially when you consider that the click wheel iPod is thought to be influenced by a 1954 transistor radio.

Plus even Jobs' comments about the iPhone 4 being "like a Leica camera" betray the fact to yes, their designers look to past gadgets for inspiration, so I wouldn't be surprised if someone given the task of locating the port saw the Polaroid camera and went "let's try that"...

Comment Re:Apple (Score 1) 308

Sometimes I wish I could remove the Stocks and Weather apps built into my iPhone, but Apple won't let me, even though there are alternatives... I just have to stick them in a Crap I Don't Use folder on the last screen...

Comment Sorry Apple, you're late... cameras had it first.. (Score 2) 354

Many cameras - not phones - cameras, had this functionality way before the iPhone did. Granted that in most circumstances it was only available in a camera application, but I had my Nokia N95 about three months before the original iPhone came out, and it used the exact same chip to do the same thing...

I'm pretty sure that some high end digital SLRs had this function, possibly as far back as 2003 if memory serves me correctly.

Comment Is 3.6 their Windows XP? (Score 1) 445

From where I'm standing, it's interesting that they patched 3.6. I can only assume that this is mainly due to market share and the need to keep it secure.

If so, they run the risk of falling into the XP trap. Ditch 3.6 now and push for a FF5 update for all, otherwise you'll have 3.6 hanging around for an eternity and potentially pulling an IE6 stunt further down the road with the "it does what I want, why upgrade" brigade...

Comment You're approaching the problem backwards (Score 1) 758

It would be easier to scan your MP3 collection for what you know is legitimate. That giant stash of CDs sat in your attic gathering dust and your memory is the best way for you to determine what you own, rather than have a program scan for what might be ripped using what, bitrates and dodgy tags as a guide?

Comment Re:What is this, Tron 3? (Score 1) 153

But only 30? They must be utterly shit hot at everything if there are so few of them. Even Bletchley Park had hundreds of geeks working for them in WWII.

I mean seriously, if I was putting together a 'cyber warfare' team, it would be the most Badass Dirty Dozen unconventionally styled team based on experience, knowledge and skillsets. If they've done something daft like stuck these 30-odd people on a 'cyber warfarepresuming course', they've already failed.

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