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User Journal

Journal Journal: Critical Shortage of IT Workers (To Fire!) :-)

Read good thread on "critical shortage of IT workers" here:

I feel good that a lot of the replies were around "it's all fake", and "if employers need IT workers, why do they fire so many (through layoffs)". The key is that employers want cheap labor. I enjoyed the posts of cardpuncher and penglust enough that I added them as "friends."

User Journal

Journal Journal: Added Ray Radlein as a "Friend"

I've added Ray Radlein as a friend, based on his recent posts about the REXX computer language. I used to use an Amiga, and I saw that it had this scripting language called REXX. Ray wrote a neat piece on why REXX "rocks so hard." I liked it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Added Michael Path as a "Friend"

My first journal entry, and I'm using this to note that I've added Michael Path as a "friend". I liked his post on Word Perfect, and the fact that he used to be a technical support denizen.

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