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Comment Re:Think of the children (Score 1) 689

The judges should be locked up for at least 20 years. When an individual picks up the mantel of public protector the laws that govern them should be much harsher than for normal citizens; they are given authority over us "normal" people and should be punished in the harshest manner if they abuse that trust. The same goes for pigs, soldiers, etc.

Comment Re:There go the customers (?) (Score 1) 360

Comcast already lost my business back in the throttling days. Luckily, I live in an urban center where there are choices for cable internet. Of course, each apartment building is usually only wired for one company's cable; this meant that when I was looking for an apt I had to find out what company it was wired for and weed out all the comcast ones. Really cut down my options, because comcast is the main provider around here. It was worth it though for RCN, who have publicly stated that they won't work with the RIAA or block/throttle/inhibit/cap downloads.

In most small cities and towns though there is only one provider. My friend, for example, has only one choice: Comcast. So he has to use that if he wants good internet speed.

Comment Keygens (Score 5, Insightful) 345

It's pretty crazy to be running keygens on your system. Every time I do it, I think to myself "what are these guys getting for all their hard work?" The same thing with cracked software - you run an installer yourself how could the cracker pass up that type opportunity? I just assume most of them infect your computer with some spyware and trojans.

Solving the Knight's Tour Puzzle In 60 Lines of Python 311

ttsiod writes "When I was a kid, I used to play the Knight's Tour puzzle with pen and paper: you simply had to pass once from every square of a chess board, moving like a Knight. Nowadays, I no longer play chess; but somehow I remembered this nice little puzzle and coded a 60-line Python solver that can tackle even 100x100 boards in less than a second. Try beating this, fellow coders!"

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Real Programs don't use shared text. Otherwise, how can they use functions for scratch space after they are finished calling them?
