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Comment Re:Corporate shills! (Score 1) 238

You need to get those glasses fixed. According to your own link, the median income is $60,000 (not $80k), but even those are outdated 2009 figures. Median income is currently at about $49k.

The poverty rate ( $22,314 a year for a family of four and $11,139 for an individual) rose from 14.3 in 2009 to 15.1 in 2010. You may know folks with a family of 6 making less than $40k, but I'm sure if you ask them, they'll tell you they're struggling. According to the Dept of Agriculture, the cost of raising a (1) child went from $9,860 ten years ago to $13,830 in 2010. Six people (assuming 4 children + 2 adults) = $80k+, and that assumes children cost less than adults - probably a bad assumption.

By "struggling to feed your family", I meant "providing for your family" in a generic sense, be it food, clothing, roof over their head, etc. It's true, you can send your family out to the local soup kitchen to eat. If that's the kind of America you like, well then you should be happy with the current conditions (though I doubt you'd feel the same if you were in that position).

Comment Re:oops (Score 2) 328

It's because they carried over the loss from a previous year.

We used to call that "income averaging", however, this was repealed in 1986 for individuals. Just another case where corporations get preferential treatment over individuals.

They do their corporate taxes on turbotax and they pay 35%..

They may be paying 35% on their taxable income, but that's where the slippery slope is. If I made $1 Million in profits last year, but through creative accounting I can show that I had $ 900,000 in tax-deductible investments, tax shelters, etc, then I'm only going to pay 35% on the $ 100,000, which means, in effect I'm "really" only paying 3.5% of total revenue.

If on the other hand, your "small business" made $ 1 Million in taxable income (that is, profit after all deductible expenses and tax shelters are taken out) and you do wind up paying $ 350K in taxes, at least you have $ 650K in the bank in which to comfort yourself (not to mention all the money stuffed away in your tax shelters).

Comment Re:Corporate shills! (Score 1) 238

How many of them have investments that are managed by financial managers?

What the hell does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

If my bank slaps a charge on my account for something I didn't purchase, do I have to close my account and relinquish any ties I have with them before I can confront them with the issue?

Contrary to your apparent worldview, the vast majority of folks in the lower half of the income scale in this country do not have investment portfolios and are simply struggling to feed their families or pay rent.

Back in 1980, the top 1% of all income earners in America brought in about 10% of all income. Today, the top 1% of all income earners bring in about 20% of all income. If the ranks of the top income earners were populated by a huge number of entrepreneurs and small business owners, it wouldn't be such a bad thing. But instead, the reality is that most of the very wealthy either work in the financial community or they work for the biggest corporations. True capitalism is supposed to create a very healthy environment for small businesses. Instead, our current system suffocates them out of existence.

Comment Re:self programing is asking for problems (Score 1) 100

That's a semantic distinction and it could be argued that a query IS a program (i.e. it invokes a set of programmed steps to produce a result).

The following "query" does something (inserts data into SaleableItems table) and makes decisions (saleable or not saleable)
INSERT INTO SaleableItems
WHEN Obsolete = 'N' or InStock = 'Y'
END AS bit) as Salable, Itemnumber
FROM Product

By the same token, I can write a C "program" that can implement a query (provide an answer to a question).

In fact, by your definition, Watson is a query system. It responds to queries, but it is implemented via a large set of Java and C++ "programs" to parse the questions, consult a database , infer the answer and finally generate a response.

Comment Re:Corporate shills! (Score 1) 238

You just don't like the point he makes, because it's true.

You really believe that? Were the civil rights protesters during the 60's hypocritical because they wore clothes manufactured by corporations controlled by white people? Were those that fought in the American Revolutionary war hypocritical because they used weapons that were copies of British design?

Perhaps you could get congress to pass a law stating that free speech should be limited to the use of technologies not controlled by corporations, thereby effectively eliminating the "problem" of free speech altogether.

Comment Re:self programing is asking for problems (Score 1) 100

I think you are looking at the problem through the lens of a programmer and missing the larger picture.

Self programming is the context of this discussion does not mean the computer will code up a program in "C", compile it, debug it, etc. That's just silly.

What it means is that the machine will be able to interpret, infer and learn from vast amounts of information made available to it, without having logic coded to answer specific questions.

If I ask you who the previous president of the US was, do you write up a quick program, compile and debug it in your brain and finally run it to give the answer? No, your brain stores millions upon millions of relationships between concepts you've encountered and is able to quickly produce and answer through an associative process. No programming required. That is exactly what the aim of the systems in this discussion is.

Granted, programming will be required to build these systems initially. However, once human level intelligence (AGI) is achieved (even if it's just in a specific domain such as information processing), is it so hard to imagine that no more programming will be required, since by definition AGI implies that it has achieved the same level of ability to understand the problem domain as well as any human?

Comment Re:Watson rules! (Score 1) 100

As a cognitive scientist (if that is indeed true), you really should do a little more research (beyond Hofstadter).

AI (AGI in particular) does not necessarily imply imitating humans. It's a bit of a homophobic slant to think that intelligence equates to the human implementation of intelligence. If a machine can exhibit the main features of intelligence (inference, learning, goal seeking, planning, etc, and other factors depending on your definition of intelligence) then it is by definition, intelligent.

Your "Who was the cowboy in Washington?" argument is a straw-man, as you can see from the posts here, most humans didn't even get the subtle references. Watson actually did pretty well in putting together vague references as this is an integral part of the Jeopardy Q/A scheme, even to the point that it was able to best the two top humans at doing this.

To imply that AI has not made advances over the years is pure hogwash. Were capabilities such as Deep Blue, Watson, Siri, et al available 50 years ago? I think not. AI has been steadily advancing over the years, despite not living up to the hype and despite not yet achieving true "human level intelligence" (note, this is vastly different than imitating humans which by some measures fall far short of intelligence). In case you've been living in a cave, advances in AI have been accelerating over the last decade and the nexus between computing power and the various disciplines of cognitive science (neuroscience, psychology, biology, etc as well as their computational counterparts) is producing advances at a much more accelerated pace.

You go right ahead and continue reading Hofstadter and his ilk, while the rest of us continue pushing the envelope of machine IQ and one day maybe (probably within the next 10-20 years), you can continue this debate with your cell phone (or whatever personal device will have replaced it by then).

Comment Re:Corporate shills! (Score 5, Insightful) 238

I suppose it would be more "pure" to eschew anything produced by a corporation while protesting their influence, but then the protesters would need to carry around stone tablets and chisels to communicate, all while wearing animal skins (or protesting in the nude). However, I see no hypocrisy in using all available technologies at their disposal to make their point. After all, the protests are not against technology, but rather corporate greed, government corruption and the undue influence of power and money on the political system.

Perhaps (as your post seems to infer) everyone should just STFU and accept the wonderful economic condition the US is in, due in no small part by the factors mentioned above, eh? I'm sure "Corporate America" thanks you for your support.

Comment Re:rewrite swing from scratch or stop right now (Score 1) 292

Eclipse's memory usage has to do with it's OSGi underpinnings.

I'm not sure it does; Eclipse was still a bloated pig before it was switched to OSGi. The problem really seems to be if you have a lot of plugin modules loaded (like I have...)

Sure it does. The reason loading a lot of plugins tends to increase memory utilization so much has a lot to do with the overhead of the bundling architecture of OSGi. The plugin logic itself may not eat up that much memory, but all the API calls, artifacts and compontents needed to load or activate an OSGi bundle introduce a lot of overhead. Mind you the overhead is justified (IMO) because of the flexibility it provides, but it's definitely not insignificant. Having said that, I don't think it's as bad as some would make it seem since the amount of time it takes to launch Visual Studio and opening a project of any significant size is comparable and VS provides no where near the plugin flexibility that OSGi does.

Regarding pre-OSGi Eclipse (pre - version 3.0), I agree it was a pig. However it was a completely different animal and it's internal complexity had gotten out of hand (hence the switch to OSGi) which was one of the main reasons for its poor performance (along with a much less performant JVM, slower machines, less memory, etc - we're talking around 8 years ago).

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