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Comment Re:Tough choice (Score 1) 259

I disagree. Most of those eggs in the supermarket are unfertilized. A fertilized egg is an actual chicken. I just don't care about chickens as much as I do people. You can't point to any one spot in an embryo's development (except fertilization) and say "There. Now it is human." With that ambiguity, is it not better to err on the side of caution?

That's called the argument of the beard, and is a fallacy.


This is a paradoxical argument which derives from the impossibility of answering the question "How many hairs does a man have to grow before he has a beard?" Since there is no specific number at which an unsightly clump of hairs becomes a beard, the argument is that no useful distinction can be made between a clean-shaven man and Santa Claus.

Another way of expressing the fallacy is in the argument that there is no harm in removing one hair from a beard since it will not stop it being a beard; the argument is superficially convincing until you realise that eventually the beard will indeed disappear, even if it is plucked one hair at a time.

Thus the argument of the beard suggests that there is no difference between those things which occupy opposite ends of a continuum, because there is no definable moment at which one becomes the other: day and night, or childhood and adulthood, for example. This fallacy often turns up in essays that discuss such subjects as the appropriate age for drinking, voting, or driving.

Comment Re:The problem is... (Score 1) 238

The gap between what UDP and TCP provides can be met with the application code itself. You could literally implement TCP on top of UDP in your application.

For bittorrent, they will probably implement TCP's congestion control (or something similar that plays nice with TCP) but ignore the reliable delivery aspect. bittorrent doesn't need reliable delivery at the socket layer, it needs it at the whole transfer layer. If connection A drops a piece of data it can be replaced by anyone else that has that data, why force connection A to do it (which is what TCP does).

Comment Re:Time for Qs to come back (Score 1) 262

Most people are talking about killing the pirates before the boat is hijacked. You might be able to argue that that doesn't deserve instant death if there is a way to capture the crew without risking yourself doing it. Reasonable people could argue that.

But, if you are talking about people that have already hijacked the boat and kidnapped the crew, I don't see how you could argue that instant death isn't warranted. If the pirates surrender that is one thing, but I don't think we're talking about that are we.

Comment Re:Ubuntu if you want to (Score 2, Informative) 328

If you have to hack it to even get it to run, how is this relevant in the slightest?

Because the hack doesn't slow anything down nor would the "hack" placed in the main OS slow anything down. OSX pays the performance penalty of supporting extreme variation in hardware by having drivers and APIs that abstract functionality. The fact that there are only drivers written for hardware that Apple sells is a moot point in terms of performance penalties.

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