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Comment For naysayers/Maya users, this is good, trust me (Score 3, Interesting) 221

I tried the beta, the UI is(or rather 'can be') very Maya-ish. They actually have a 'Maya' mode. All in all, the ability to jump in has greatly improved.

Just a disclaimer, I royally HATED the old UI and was sick of people jumping down people's throats for saying how utterly inaccessible it was. Yet now I have to say they did a really good job. Windows can be broken off or split, everything and the kitchen sink isn't all crammed into the lower half of the screen and the shortcuts actually can be set up to make sense..

Comment Re:Duo (Score 1) 126

I shouldn't feed the troll but...

A) the alternative you gave me was no better than what I use now.
B) your response to me starting that fact was childish
C) take an ipad or android tablet, shove 3mm worth of digitizer pcb below the lcd. How was that star trek level future tech?

Comment Re:Basically... (Score 1) 338

Yes it will. By going via a VPN or proxy, the IP address they collect on the other side will not be your own but that of the remote agent through which you're doing the dastardly deed.

So long as that agent keeps no usable logs or traceable info, there really isn't anything they can do.

Comment Re:Anonymous Coward (Score 2, Interesting) 356

Nonsense. There was a tool years ago called "WOWMapView" which allowed you to, completely offline, fly through the map without any clipping. It was an awesome way to see how it was built as well as see things which were not part of world proper(GM Island, the skeleton from the boss in WC3, a developer map that had the words "Chow is my Love Monkey" written in the grass and even a prototype for a map that would later be in the Burning Crusade. No PCs or NPCs, but the entire world geometry was laid bare.

Comment Re:Please. (Score 1) 325

I want one further: to enable print from email, you would have to push a little button(may have an envelope or something on it), and the print feature would only work for any new email for the next 10 mins before the feature disables again.

Comment Re:I'm all for this (Score 2, Interesting) 141

Apple picked PNG because Microsoft didn't. And screencap image formats were hardly going to be an industry deal breaker. BMP files are so obvious as to really not give any leverage to Microsoft. Any patent on the silly thing would be overturned("Method for displaying a picture by lining up the colored pixels in order?").

Apple is pro-open-formats only if there's no way to get a lock-in. Apple is a patent holder with MPEG-LA, hence their preference for H.264.

Remember that there's nothing preventing you from installing Theora and Matroska codecs on your Windows box, same as with your Mac. Sure, media player will push you towards wma, but Apple will push you towards Apple Lossless.

"Microsoft has a history of always creating their own formats even when a multitude of alternatives already exist"

- iPad USB dongle
- iPhone/Pod connector
- Their old practice(no longer the case) of locking their RAM so only their RAM would work on their hardware
- The stupid one button mouse(yes, it's no longer the case, but it was).

Not saying MS is good. They're not. But neither of them are. Trying to say "At least Apple..." these days is a tricky game.

Also, MS has stated that IE8+ will handle WebM just fine as it can be installed via Media Player. Opera stated support. Mozilla breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said the same. Apple(or at least Turtleneck Prime) is the only one that seemingly indicated they wouldn't support it by throwing some lawsuit FUD around. They may yet, but the response wasn't exactly positive.

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