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Comment I agree, but for different reasons (Score 1) 313

To suggest that a few evenings learning from a book will mean you're able to do the work itself is laughable, but it does mean you would have a better idea of when you're being spun bullshit by the asshole programmer.

I know nothing about cars, so if I take mine to a mechanic to fix I'm at his mercy - if he bullshits me I have no way of knowing. If I contract a programmer I'm in a position to know whether the work I'm asking for is likely to take a day or a week and whether it really needs the latest fashionable framework.

Comment Re:A brilliant strategy... (Score 1) 377

That's a very simplistic way of looking at things. I suspect that Zynga looked at each game in isolation - the same as you're suggesting - and decided whether it was profitable or not. But how many people playing the games that they are going to close also play other, profitable Zynga games? There's a good chance they will lose them as customers entirely.

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