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Comment Re:I'd rather have America in control of the inter (Score 2) 150


the government put Mehanna away for ... translating a book (a 2003 Saudi text, 39 Ways to Serve and Participate in Jihad, that was "intended to incite people to engage in violent jihad"); distributing a video showing the brutal treatment of dead U.S. military personnel in retaliation for a rape in Iraq; and giving a friend a film about jihadi fighters...

Sentenced to 17.5 years in prison for spreading information. Sorry for bursting your bubble, but it had to be done. The US of A you think about it doesn't exist anymore.

Comment Re:Anonymity (Score 1) 341

I used to take for granted that anonymity was the main culprit, until a couple of years ago when many news websites started incorporating facebook hosted comments. Now most of this commenters have their real name exposed, and yet they're still as rude and irrational as the most anonymous of cowards.

So there must be something besides anonymity... perhaps the fluoride in the water or something.

Comment Re:subsidize phone calls (Score 1) 177

...I recently read an article (sorry I didn't think to save the bookmark)...

Seriously? If you remember just a single phrase (four or five words together), let alone the title of the article, Google will "remember" the article for you. Are you really saying you can't recolect a single phrase from it?

Comment Re:Awful headline. (Score 4, Informative) 356

Hah. Now that's a good question. Actually, the researcher told the french press that he had to smuggle those seeds from a canadian farming school, since Monsanto won't let anyone do any research on its plants without having total control over the outcome of the research.

After he got the seeds, I suppose he was able to grow two crops, one exposed to Roundup, and the other pesticide-free.

Comment This is Slashdooooooot ! (Score 1) 356

So for everyone who did not bother to read TFA and posted rants below to the tune of "Oooooh they fed both GM food and herbicide to the rats ! It's not the GM crops that give cancer, it's the Roundup ! French scientists have surrendered their intelligence" and so on...

Here is the key sentence in the article:

Researchers found that NK603 and Roundup both caused similar damage to the rats' health whether they were consumed on their own or together.

(emphasis mine)

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