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Comment Not completely over (Score 3, Informative) 380

The jury part of the trial is over, but there are still some issues that are to be decided by the judge. The big one is SCO's claim of "specific performance." Their argument is that if the copyrights didn't transfer (which the jury just said they didnt), that APA2 is a promise to transfer them, so Novell should be forced to transfer them now. If the judge rules against SCO, it's over, barring an appeal that SCO can't afford.

US Grants Home Schooling German Family Political Asylum 1324

A US judge has granted political asylum to a family who said they fled Germany to avoid persecution for home schooling their children. Uwe Romeike and his wife, Hannelore, moved to Tennessee after German authorities fined them for keeping their children out of school and sent police to escort them to classes. Mike Connelly, attorney for the Home School Legal Defence Association, argued the case. He says, "Home schoolers in Germany are a particular social group, which is one of the protected grounds under the asylum law. This judge looked at the evidence, he heard their testimony, and he felt that the way Germany is treating home schoolers is wrong. The rights being violated here are basic human rights."

Comment Empire needs an OSHA (Score 1) 832

If the Empire had OSHA, Darth Maul would still be alive today. Handrail technology clearly was known in the Star Wars universe -- even Ewoks had handrail technology. Yet it's surprisingly absent from the more advanced civilizations in the Star Wars universe. As an example, there are numerous stairs on Tatooine with no handrails. And the Death Star, the pinnacle of Empire technology, had numerous bottomless pits without handrails, or any other safety equipment. Clearly the lack of an appropriate regulatory agency is to blame for the sad state of safety in the Start Wars universe. OSHA requires the following for bottomless pits: "Every pit and trapdoor floor opening, infrequently used, shall be guarded by a floor opening cover of standard strength and construction. While the cover is not in place, the pit or trap opening shall be constantly attended by someone or shall be protected on all exposed sides by removable standard railings." Had proper safety equipment been in place at the bottomless pit where Darth Maul flung Obi Wan Kennobi over the side, Obi Wan would have remained in view of Darth Maul, or Obi Wan would have been spotted by the pit attendant, and Obi Wan would not have been able to engage in the sneak attack the lead to Darth Maul's untimely death.

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