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Comment I made this while you were playing FarmVille (Score 3, Interesting) 220

I saw this great art car once, it had an immense amount of detail and was huge. There was not much clear space on it except in an area about 6"x8" that had a sign in the middle that said, "I made this while you were watching TV." I've been thinking of updating the saying to "I made this while you were $^&*ing with FarmVille". FWIW, I built a Snail art car instead of watching TV of frobbing with Farmville. Now, if I could only get away from Slashdot . . .

See also this Good Samaritan Cartoon:
Guy in street, prone man at his feet:
"Oh, Great, as if I have the time or inclination to help a dying homeless man"
Same guy in front of computer:
" What's this?!! Sally needs a bag of fertilizer for her FarmVille Farm? I better get right on it."

Comment Re:Textbook Publishers (Score 2, Insightful) 208

From TFA:

"Indeed, to the uninitiated, scholarly publishing is a curious enterprise. Simplified, it works something like this: universities or the government subsidize a professor's research. The professor, who is required to publish frequently for professional advancement, gives his research to a scholarly publisher, usually for little or no money. That publisher, who adds value through editing, peer review, and production, assumes the copyright, packages, and sells the research back to the university at a markup. And those mark-ups have proven significant over time, especially as the digital age has fostered an explosion of new databases and resources."

In my department (Electrical Engineering), new faculty are offered a support package to get started and then the faculty go out and get funding. At least 51% of the funding they find is paid to the University as overhead. It is difficult for faculty who don't have external funding to attract grad students or pay for computers. The funding comes from the Government, but much of it comes from corporations.

In my experience, publishers no longer do any editing. I had an expensive text book on "Quality" and the author misquoted John Kennedy. How could this get by an editor? Authors submit camera ready text to academic publishers.

In my experience, peer review is managed by an unpaid faculty member who distributes material to other unpaid faculty members who distribute the material to unpaid students who do the review and pass the review back up the chain. This is actually very good because it gets students to review the work of others.

The reality is that academic publishing is a dead-end. Journals are in trouble. Conference proceedings and self-publishing of text books are on the rise. Recently, he only thing that I've heard faculty say that publishers provide is that publishers sometimes show up at conferences with a table of books which faculty browse. This seems like a weak basis for a business.

Reading the TFA, it seems like the publishers should just settle. Georgia changed their ways.

Comment Re:Dupe! (Score 1) 497

I'm the original submitter, so mea culpa. What I did was search for "password" and did not find the earlier article. After I submitted, I searched for "Herley" and found the original article. I then tried to kill my own posting, including commenting that it was a Dupe. It was not apparent how to kill my own article, but I did not look harder. So, my feedback is: it would be nice if there was a really easy way for users to mark their submission as a dupe. Sorry about the dupe, I don't like them either.

Submission + - Please Do Not Change Your Password 2

__aapopf3474 writes: Mark Pothier's Boston Globe article, Please do not change your password," covers a paper by Microsoft Researcher Cormac Herley, "So Long, and No Thanks for the Externalities: the Rational Rejection of Security Advice by Users," from the 2009 New Security Paradigms Workshop. Herley argues "that user's rejection of the security advice they receive is entirely rational from an economic perspective." Herley discusses "password rules," "teaching users to recognized phishing sites by reading URLs" and "certificate errors". Users obviously choose bad passwords, but does password aging actually help? There was some discussion on TechRepublic, but I'm sure slashdotters can bring some perspective to this. I'm especially interested in hearing about studies about password aging.

Comment Re:uh huh (Score 1) 50

Most of the steampunk hardware is DIY. It is not like one can go down to Home Depot and buy a steam engine. Vintage steam hardware requires rehabilitation, including fabrication of impossible to obtain parts. I participated in making a Snail Art Car, which we wrote up for the DYI website Instructables. Another car, the Wrecker, is an electric carriage with hand-built wheels. Yah, he did not mine the lead for batteries and the differential came out of some old car, but the vast majority of this car is DIY.

Comment When the fridge and the microwave gang up on you (Score 1) 217

Will Wright (creator of the Sims and Spore) has a think tank called Stupid Fun Club, which has a fridge with a personality module that recognizes you by name and then gossips about you with the microwave. So, if you are mean to the fridge, then it will rat you out to the microwave, who will then burn your food. - BBC article (with a link to video. More about Stupid Fun Club (2007 Gadgetoff video).

Comment Soft Walls discussion and common objections (Score 5, Informative) 548

Total disclosure: I've worked on Soft Walls.

There was discussion on Slashdot about the Soft Walls Project that did something similar. See the 1/04 and 7/03 discussions.

What I find interesting is just how vehement software engineers and pilots are about the idea, and yet everyone seems to trust fly-by-wire.

There is Soft Walls FAQ that covers common objections.


Submission + - Citibank: training users to be less secure

Llamedos writes: Citibank has redesigned their credit card website ( so that the login page is not an SSL encrypted page. Instead, they expect users to simply accept a little lock GIF file they put up themselves, and their assurance that the form is submitted via SSL. According to Citibank, "Your security is important to us. While the new has an "http" address and no lock icon displays in your browser, your personal information is still protected." Citibank's security page While other sites are moving to more security and more ways for the user to protect himself (e.g., Bank of America's SiteKey program), Citibank is tearing away at protections and trying to train users not to care about security.

Submission + - Operation Falcon and the Encroaching Police State

Deltronica writes: According to Information Clearinghouse, the police state feared by many is being carried out right under our noses. From TFA: "The Bush administration has carried out three massive sweeps in the last two years, rolling up more than 30,000 minor crooks and criminals, without as much as a whimper of protest from the public. Operation Falcon is the clearest indication yet that the Bush administration is fine-tuning its shock-troops so it can roll up tens of thousands of people at a moment's notice and toss them into the newly-built Halliburton detention centers. This should be a red flag for anyone who cares at all about human rights, civil liberties, or simply saving his own skin. " The full article can be found here.

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