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Comment Re:Perfect analogy for NASA (Score 1) 184

Well, first you have to survive whatever event renders the Earth uninhabitable without life-support systems. And you're not going to have them available to save you from catastrophe if you don't already need them for some other reason.

The dinosaurs are extinct simply because they didn't have a space program.

Not to mention, there's an awful lot more resources available in space than just vacuum and photons.

Comment Re:Mostly good except for electronics counterfeiti (Score 1) 93

The "stolen formula" was sold and resold among several companies. The end-product (the caps) weren't exactly fake, but the recipe the makers bought to manufacture them was fake. My theory is that the missing ingredients were deliberate... that it was a honeypot by a company that wanted to find out which of (or if) its employees was stealing secrets.

Comment Re:Mostly good except for electronics counterfeiti (Score 3, Insightful) 93

You must not have been around for the Great Motherboard Capacitor Rupturing of 1998, when just about every major motherboard manufacturing company fell victim to the hordes of fake caps being sold around Asia. Well, not fake exactly, but fake in that they were not as specified and only worked for a few months before bursting.

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"I say we take off; nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." - Corporal Hicks, in "Aliens"
