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Comment Re:Shopped! (Score 4, Insightful) 45

Right on - you can hear what, seven octaves?
You can _see_ less than one, and there's lots of useful information outside that range. If some fundie complains that it's all lies because it has the word 'false' in it, ask them whether they believe infrared cameras show 'real' image. Same color-mapping principles.

Comment Re:Jamming not Hacking (Score 1) 460

I suppose you could strap a remote pilot into a seat that's rigged to do something painful/fatal if the plane crashes. My objection echoes one above - there's a lot a pilot can feel about how the craft is behaving that no set of sensors can replicate remotely.

Comment Re:Nipples and terrorism? (Score 1) 134

As it was closing an era in this part of North America in which unpopular political speech was greeted with torture, imprisonment and death, it was understood to apply to political speech being restricted by the politicians.

Of course, at the time. speech in general was a tad more civil - norms and mores more closely observed in public rather than flouted for attention-seeking effect.

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