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Comment Re:Smart police officer (Score 1) 103

That's odd, since they don't seem to respect anyone else's(sic).

That is because they know (a) You are supposed to know your rights and (b) You are suppose to stand up for your rights.

At best it's problematic, the officers life is almost always on the line and you want to be treated fairly by someone who in the next minute might lose there life. It simply sucks on both sides.

Comment Re:In the event... (Score 1) 101

where someone's personal information needs to be found out, can't it be found out via a court order if a crime is suspected?

That is what my provider does. It is in the user agreement that if a court order is presented to them they honor it.

I often interact with unsavory persons to the point of having to carry a weapon, legally of course. I really don't need to sleep with one eye open, too. If law enforcement needs to get a hold of me they have the option to do so.

Submission + - Anglo-Saxon Treasure Uncovered in the United Kingd (

pilsner.urquell writes: "UK's largest collection of Anglo-Saxon treasure ever found. A cache of gold and silver pieces was discovered and is thought to date to between 675 and 725. The total could rise to about 1,500 pieces. Terry Herbert, 55-year-old unemployed metal-detecting enthusiast, made the discovery on July 5 while scouring a friend's farm in the western region of Staffordshire.

Kevin Leahy, the archaeologist who cataloged the find, said the stash includes dozens of pommel caps — decorative elements attached to the knobs of swords — and appeared to be war loot. He noted that "Beowulf," the Anglo-Saxon epic poem, contains a reference to warriors stripping the pommels of their enemies' weapons as mementos.

"It looks like a collection of trophies, but it is impossible to say if the hoard was the spoils from a single battle or a long and highly successful military career," he said.


Comment Bloated? Of course. Happens in every walk of life (Score 2, Interesting) 639

Bloated? Of course. Happens in every walk of life. It starts out lean and mean killing machine out of necessity, otherwise there is no success. Life is tough and to be other than at the top of efficiency is a death sentence.

After achieving success then being fat and lazy is a luxury that is no longer fatal.

This happens everywhere the jungle, in the business world, your job and governments. Evolution.


Submission + - Hubble's First Look at Jupiter's New Spot.

pilsner.urquell writes: The Hubble Space Telescope just got the first closeup of Jupiter's new spot Thursday. The space telescope hasn't quite back online when the photo was taken.

The 5000 mile spot was formed when an object, possibly a comet, hit the giant planet on Sunday.

The new spot was discovered Sunday night by an amateur astronomer in Australia, Anthony Wesley.

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