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Submission + - Anonymous email hid knife-wielding iPod scammer? (

destinyland writes: "A Fox News affiliate is warning about an anonymous email service and its role in a recent Craig's List attack in which a knife-wielding scammer lured a woman to a park late at night. The site "operates outside the Untied States [sic] and European legal systems," according to the fear-mongering article — since the site is based in Japan. Though the site's promotional copy is also playing up its potential for aiding law breakers. "By law only reports to official Japanese government agencies," their front page boasts. "This makes it extremely expensive and troublesome for foreign private parties to obtain information about our subscribers...""

Submission + - 9 people arested in Poland for translating subs

An anonymous reader writes: One of the biggest subtitle portal in Poland ( was shutdown this morning. 9 main contributors were arested. They are facing 2 years inprisonment for illegaly translating subtitles. Whole action was run by polish and german police. Few other sub portals also stopped responding....

More info:,53600,413 8386.html (polish)
Operating Systems

Submission + - Why supporting Tux500 is worth it

libervisco writes: " is a project described as a "Community Powered Linux Marketing Program" with a goal to raise money needed to sponsor a GNU/Linux advertisement on one of the cars in the upcoming Indianapolis 500 racing event. The motivation is getting the word out about GNU/Linux to a mainstream crowd which may not otherwise hear about it.

So far the project managed to raise almost $13 000, but the minimum goal is $25 000. This article addresses some of the common reasons some may have for not supporting the project and argues that supporting Tux500 is worth it concluding:

"Mainstream GNU/Linux adoption brings multitude of opportunities for all of us, whether our goal is to change the world to the better, earn more money or both. Tux500 gives you the opportunity to do something today.""

Submission + - Flickr Censors A Photographer's Plea

Bananatree3 writes: Popular Iclandic photographer and art-student Rebekka Guoleifsdottir has been targeted by Flickr for posting a plea for help in a theft case involving an online retailer selling copycat art. She requested that people send the retailer letters concerning the issue, and in response her original post was promptly deleted. It is still ironically available on Yahoo cache. In the end it appears that the retailer had been duped by a rogue art dealer under the title "Wild Aspects and Panoramics LTD". However, Flickr seems to have overstepped its bounds in deleting this post.

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How many QA engineers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? 3: 1 to screw it in and 2 to say "I told you so" when it doesn't work.
