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Comment Who needs magnets? (Score 1) 290

The odd thing is, I don't need magnets to navigate back to a point I started at. I couldn't easily tell you which way is north, but I can usually point in the direction of my car/hotel/etc from anywhere in the city provided I walked there (without any deliberate attempt to memorise landmarks or turns).

I was once 'lost' in Munich - lost in the sense of being able to point in exactly the direction of my car, just not being able to find streets that would take me that way. I came back via a completely different route, apart from the last 200 metres or so, but still knew exactly which way I needed to be heading...

Comment Re:Chose a sense (Score 1) 290

I used to get a slight headache and involuntarily shudder whenever we drove under high voltage power lines as a kid. It doesn't seem to happen now I'm grown up, but I still seem to have some sensitivity to magnetic fields - I worked for a company that sold "magnetic health products" and had to insist that I really didn't want any of their stuff near me because it would give me a headache... Of course, some of that could be psychological, I've not experimented to see if I could tell the difference.

Also, with older mobile (cell) phones I used to be able to tell when they were broadcasting (most likely polling the base station as it wasn't making/receiving a call) by a kind of slightly painful sensation in my hand if I was holding it. I only get that now with modern mobiles if my hands are wet.

Submission + - Intel recieves record fine by the EU ( 2

Firefalcon writes: "Intel has been fined a record 1.06 billion euros ($1.45 billion / £948 million) by the European Competition Commission after being found guilty of anti-competitive practices. This makes Microsoft's 497 million euro fine in 2004 (which was a record at the time) seem like a slap on the hand. Reports had previously suggested that the fine would be similar to Microsoft's. Intel was charged (among other things) with encouraging manufacturers and retailers to purchase fewer (or even not stock) AMD processors. More details of the ruling are on the European Commission's Competition website."

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
