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Comment Re:The data shows... (Score -1, Troll) 473


Do you realize that you said that 2011 TIED 1998? The year the cooling started?

You didn't provide any actual numbers. You just made an assertion that 2011 tied 1998. If 1998 was cooler than 1997, just how does that prove that there's warming?

And remember, the observed warming was a fraction of a degree. My house differs in temperature MUCH more than that from the sunlit side to the shady side of the house.

You are repeating stuff without applying critical thinking skills to it.

You have yet to prove I fabricated anything. I simply repeated the conclusion from data gathered by the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia that showed that between 1998 and 2005, global temperatures didn't increase, but in fact slightly decreased. Enough in fact to reverse the fraction of a degree rise observed previously.

Tell me again I fabricated it.

Comment Re:Global Warming alarmists (Score 3, Insightful) 473

Just so. How do we know that any set of conditions in the climate is optimal?

Maybe optimal is a degree warmer. Maybe not.

Squandering trillions of dollars in wealth and productivity just to maintain the status quo seems silly.

I like Bjorn Lomborg's approach which is to spend that money on clean water, medical care, and feeding the hungry instead. As well as simply moving people out of areas that might be impacted.

We can save more lives, and vastly improve the quality of lots of poor that way, rather than chasing a fraction of a degree of temperature rise.

Comment The data shows... (Score 1, Troll) 473

That we've been in a cooling period since 1998 that has reversed ALL of the observed warming that took place previously in the early 20th Century and more.

The assertion that the calm Sun activity won't reverse the warming is true only in that there is no longer any warming to reverse.

Comment Re:Yawn (Score 1) 204

Bush didn't push a "every family stimulus bill." He did a banbk bailout that was mostly repaid. It was Obama that pushed a "stimulus" bill that failed to stimulate anything but Democrat donors. But, I agree that I'd rather see tax benefits and grants to upgrading the grid to be more efficient than funding ethanol, or other wasteful things. I'm having panels installed next month at no cost to me via a program here in NJ. I only pay a montlhy lease payment (20 year term) around $50US. I get all the power, I don't get the tax incentives. Sounds like a good deal to me!

Comment Re:Not a Republic? (Score 1) 1277 is not a reliable source. Two people over a kitchen table who have been found to be inaccurate a lot of times, is not an impeccable source.

Since there's a lot of scholarship on the fact that the founders despised Democracies as a form of government, you are going to have to accept that.

Remember, Democracy as a form of Government, and democracy as a practice are two distinct things.

As we can see, despising the former had nothing to do with them incorporating the latter into our Representative Republic.

Comment Re:Not a Republic? (Score 1) 1277

No Democracy lasts long, and usually devolves into the majority voting themselves largess from the public coffers.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship."
-- Professor Alexander Tytler over 200 years ago

"Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide."
-- John Adams, letter to John Taylor, April 15, 1814

Here's a link:

Comment Re:Ethical? (Score 1) 826

Oh please... You have no idea how desperate American Companies are going to be for employees when all the boomers retire. You haven't learned a thing from the past, and haven't done ANY critical thinking. You just spewed some leftist garbage at me, and didn't think for yourself and then accused me of RNC stuff. Get a clue!

Comment Re:Ethical? (Score 1) 826

Support is like insurance, the cost is spread over a large volume of customers. while any single customer may cost the company more than they paid for a single support incident, that cost is spread out among so many other customers who never call for support that in aggregate, it's not a losing proposition for the manufacturer. But no smart company is going to miss the opportunity to reduce support costs by outsourcing. Rather than whining about outsourcing, people need to develop their marketable skills so that companies want to hire them. If you have skills that pay your salary and more, you'll never be outsourced. And there are many kinds of jobs that never can be outsourced by their nature or the need to be physically in proximity to the customer.

Comment Re:Ethical? (Score 1) 826

That's not true. The data shows that insourcing has far exceeded the number of jobs outsourced. It's a myth that we're losing jobs to outsourcing. We're losing certain kinds of jobs, while the nature of our workforce is changing. Smart kids will be entering into the medical field as the coming increase of retirees is going to place a heavy demand on medical trades.

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