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Comment Re:Meh (Score 1) 423

Marvel has been going downhill for a long time. So much so that I consider this deal to be part of a natural progression. Between poor writing and poor management, I haven't seen anything good from Marvel Comics since the late 90s, or maybe early 00s.

See, I have the exact opposite opinion. I'm really enjoying Marvel's annual events in a way I never expected to. The stories feel a lot more organic than they used to, the changes are more pervasive and - apart from JMS's spectacularly godawful retcon of Spider-man's public identity - seem to be a lot more long lasting. They feel far more relevant than they used to as well.

Whereas for me, '90s Marvel comics are characterised by people wearing ludicruous displays of brightly coloured Leifeld-armour which somehow conform perfectly to their oak-tree sized thighs that are essential to keep them from being overbalanced by the mile long barrels on their unintelligible superweapons, running around and spouting poorly derivative (of what wasn't all that good originally) Claremont-babble in a manner we were supposed to find engaging.

(Actually, if you're after some of that, I highly recommend reading through Jeph Loeb & Aron Coleite's work on the tail end of the Ultimatum line, because that's pretty much the direction they went in. Talk about missing the fucking point...)

Comment Re:This is good news (Score 1) 360

So it's misleading to say anything "evolved for a reason" because evolution isn't an intelligent process -- it doesn't do things because of reasons.

One of the definitions of 'reason' is 'cause'. It doesn't have to denote intelligence.

I think it's pretty fair to say that the cheetah-gazelle predator-prey relation caused evolutionary changes in both. So to say the "reason" gazelles are so fast is because cheetah's prey on them isn't a semantic or logical stretch.

Isn't language fun?

Comment Re:This is good news (Score 4, Insightful) 360

We still have a lot of our DNA not yet "activated"[...] This also means we're still babies in terms of our evolution.

Fire up Windows.

Now fire up every single application you have installed.

While you're at it, download and load every single Windows application ever.

Getting a lot done?

Maybe activating the "full potential" of Windows isn't all that useful.

Comment Re:Still no Adblock though (Score 1) 207

There is a lot of active work on extension support for Chrome, so I'm pretty sure Google realise how important this is to people. Despite SO many (still ongoing) claims that Google would make it technically impossible for an adblocking extension to work, one already exists, along with mouse gestures, and a start at integrating with delicious.

Yes, they're all still very rough around the edges, but that's what I'd expect from an extension system in development. Of course, their existence isn't enough to stop people from all kinds of speculative bullshit about Google's plans and motives, but hey, being a geek is all about ego-driven opinion and nada about facts, it seems.

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