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Comment the title is a little misleading (Score 2, Informative) 361

I am Australian, and have read quite a few stories press releases etc on this subject. The BIG problem with these cards is, illegal to "import" and illegal to "posses" in australia is different. Meaning while it might be legal to own some types in Australia, it's illegal to bring them in (ie import) into the country, and they don't tell you what is what, This is one of the main reasons there has been a large uproar over the issue down under.

There's two set's of rules, they aren't telling you which one is which, and don't give good examples, it's basically a trap

Comment I'm Surprized... (Score 4, Insightful) 139

I read the article, and in doing reference checks in the digital age, esp when there is a large chance of fraud, that checking domain reg's etc only came in last. It's not hard to program in automatic checking, and by the sounds of it, would stop how easy this type of scam would be implemented. Also they could do reverse phone number checks etc as well. I'm quite sure if they had that information automatically populated during an application, any attempts to defraud the companies would be found out with alot less time.

Two Unpatched Flaws Show Up In Apple iOS 171

Trailrunner7 writes "The technique that the Web site is using to bypass the iPhone's security mechanisms and enable users to run unapproved apps on their phones involves exploiting two separate vulnerabilities. One of the vulnerabilities is a memory-corruption flaw that affects the way that Apple's mobile devices, including the iPad and iPod Touch, display PDFs. The second weakness is a problem in the Apple iOS kernel that gives an attacker higher privileges once his code is on a targeted device, enabling him to break out of the iOS sandbox. The combination of the two vulnerabilities — both of which are unpatched at the moment — gives an attacker the ability to run remote code on the device and evade the security protections on the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. The technique became public earlier this week when the site began hosting a set of specially crafted PDF files designed to help users jailbreak their Apple devices and load apps other than the ones approved by Apple and offered in its official App Store."

Comment Re:For how long after release? (Score 1) 192

That's funny, when borderlands came out, i got it off steam for $30. Just checked steam again, and yup, it's $79.99, It's obvious that they are charging different amounts for different countries now as well. (in australia for reference) It's cheaper in EB games down at the local mall (even when not on special). go figure..

Comment Re:Other countries should start policing Internet (Score 1) 343

I've always though that each person should have two votes, and that two rep's from each "Area" should represent that area, if it was done that way, it would be impossible for one party to get complete control, and then there'd have to be compimizes across the board, if you don't have complete control, you have to start listening (or making deals) with others to get your points across.

But changing the system like that would require those in power to do so, and do you think they'd give it up ?

Comment Re:IE or Firefox (Score 2, Insightful) 347

The real world answer is go ignore IE and let all the people still using it go cry.

No that is not the real world answer. If you don't get your application working in IE, the people will go find one that does. You might get away with not working in IE if your only designing for the tech crowd, but if your designing for business or the public, then your killing your own business before it's started.

Comment Re:Dear Microsoft (Score 1) 497

Whether it's their idea or not, it's a horrible idea

But at the end of the day, if the customers ask for it, you give it to them. I have worked in corp land, and honestly i can fully understand it, having to do full testing cycles to ensure it won't impact on current workflows, take workstations offline or softwares used by the staff. Depending on the amount of software / image types you have, this can take 1-2 weeks, having to start a testing cycle everyday increases the man hours needed to insane amounts. In the end, when a cycle like that patches that aren't considered highly critical are ignored, and that just makes the problems even worse in the long run.

Comment Re:Google is hypocritical (Score 5, Insightful) 562

*IF* you bothered to look, you'll see that while it is googles own advertising platform on all of their products, they DO display ads from 3rd party networks,
In my adsense account, i even have an option to allow 3rd party ads via the google network, (my account -> account settings -> "Third Party Ads Preference" for reference).
Been able to show 3rd party ads on my own website via google's own network defeates alot of what people are saying here.
In *my* website i get to choose my ad provider if i want one. In my iphone app, i have to use apple's ad network, i built the app, why should i be restricted to apples own software/property for how to monitize it? locking out analytics for 3rd parties makes them useless, i'm not going to want to show ads about uk tv shows to american visitors and vice versa, this means any ads showen will be poorly targeted because of this, and the income per click is going to be extremely low.

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