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Comment Re:+$200,000,000 is a CUT?!?!? (Score 1) 173

How do you call it if you get less money than you say you will need? How do you call it if this happens every year? For that matter, how do you call it if they give you more money for something else than you actually requested, and you're mandated to use the extra money for that purpose but you don't actually know how because all the milestones to be completed are already funded by the money you requested?

Comment Re:Delta IV never lost an engine in flight (Score 1) 173

Delta IV can't even survive an engine loss. Falcon 9 could survive up to two engine losses, and presumably the reusable version will be able to survive even more if the control system has an option to ditch the stage and use the landing fuel reserve to compensate for higher gravity losses and to complete the ascent instead.

Furthermore, the Merlin 1C engine that failed was already being phased out at that point. If I recall the events correctly, it was the manufacturing process (electroplating) that isn't being used anymore that exhibited a slight anomaly during the manufacturing that specific unit. Since the 1D units are different, this mode of failure was eliminated. The Merlin engines actually ought to be more reliable than the RS-68s, since they need a less extreme turbopump assembly (they don't have to pump the voluminous liquid hydrogen (with 70kg/m^3) at high pressures). Simplicity and less extreme operating conditions ought to directly translate into reliability. The high pressure hydrogen pump was the most problematic failure-prone component of the RS-25, and I don't think that the RS-68 is any different in this respect.

Comment Re:Bummer (Score 1) 326

It's a descriptive dictionary. It reflects how people use the word, based on copious surveys of usage. Thus, it reflects the highest probability estimate of how he used the word in question. BTW, I wasn't looking up either "describe" or "prescribe". I looked up the word in question. If the quotations are to be believed, it's overwhelmingly loaded in the direction I hinted at.

Comment Re:Bummer (Score -1, Flamebait) 326

Congrats, you are officially overly PC.

Me? "PC"? You'd be surprised. :-p In the region where I live, we don't have these things in an amount that is anywhere close to what is common in the US.

There are societally accepted standards of dress and you damn well know that.

America is a nation of prudes. That's why they have such words as "slutty" in the first place. Then they blame people for dressing in a certain way instead of leaving them alone, as any normal person would. It's almost halfway to Saudi Arabia.

Comment Re:Bummer (Score 1) 326

Described what? Like this? "Esp. of a woman: sexually promiscuous or provocative, esp. in a manner regarded as vulgar or distasteful.". So you're injecting your subjective views into what looks mean and attaching a value judgement into that. How is saying that someone looks distasteful not prescribing is beyond me.

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