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Comment Re:Ready in 30 years (Score 1) 305

Past performance (also known as experimental results) are the ONLY reliable indicator of future results.

So you're saying that the bulletproof way of making something complicated work is to employ people who did something simple that worked? I'm really not sure what your sentence is supposed to mean. I would have thought that future technological results depend mostly on inherent problems with the goals that we're not aware of yet.

Comment Re: Fusion Confusion (Score 4, Insightful) 305

I find it hilarious that the supposed downside of having a future-proof source of energy is that on the unlikely occasion that a terrorist group gets their hand on plutonium, the resulting threat is going to be in the 50kt class instead of 20kt. Any larger entity most likely wouldn't have a problem with generating it for themselves anyway.

Comment Re:not true at all (Score 1) 133

If your main tractor breaks down you can still run the combine. If your disc needs repair, you can still plow or use the tillage unit. Putting it all in one machine would mean you are down when any one thing breaks.

I actually understand it more as unification in type rather than calling for people only having a single physical device. What prevents you from having two of them? Give it sane mechanical and electrical interfaces, and a single chassis could be specialized if needed (but not unless necessary).

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