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Submission + - Apple set to overtake HP to become biggest PC sell (

ShelleyPortet writes: "Having languished near the bottom of the PC league table for years, Apple is set to become the top PC seller in 2012.

Apple will overtake HP, the world's largest PC vendor, in the first half of 2012, according to research by analyst house Canalys.

HP currently has a 16 per cent market share of PC shipments, compared to Apple's 15 per cent."

Submission + - Bulldozer's Just As Bad With Servers (

RobinEggs writes: Some reviews of Bulldozer's performance in servers have arrived, and Arstechnica has a breakdown. The results are pretty ugly. Apparently Bulldozer fares just as poorly with servers as with desktops.

From the article: 'One reason for the underwhelming performance on the desktop is that the Bulldozer architecture emphasizes multithreaded performance over single-threaded performance. For desktop applications, where single-threaded performance is still king, this is a problem. Server workloads, in contrast, typically have to handle multiple users, network connections, and virtual machines concurrently. This makes them a much better fit for processors that support lots of concurrent threads. Some commentators have even suggested that Bulldozer was, first and foremost, a server processor; relatively weak desktop performance was to be expected, but it would all come good in the server room.

Unfortunately for AMD, it looks as though the decisions that hurt Bulldozer on the desktop continue to hurt it in the server room. Although the server benchmarks don't show the same regressions as were found on the desktop, they do little to justify the design of the new architecture.'

It's probably much too early to start editorializing about the end of AMD, or even to say with certainty that Bulldozer has failed, but my untrained eye can't yet see any possible silver lining in these new processors.

Comment Re:What was the point of this exercise? (Score -1) 943

"I have an aversion to being associated with people who actively believe there is no god."

You have no such aversion. Were such the case, you would not be participating in this conversation.
What you are up to is called Narcissism. Though, you will likely argue that you are not and then claim to have an aversion to such... Good day to you.

Comment Re:You think the housing collapse was bad (Score -1) 917

The person borrowing $BIGNUM isn't doing so by virtue of their own inventiveness.
They are convinced that doing so is necessary by people they're expected to trust.
That they do not have a plan to pay it back is a shared burden... That of the student, and that of a system which misleads and misinforms them.
I'm only responding to the notion that a student has, somehow, done something wrong by participating in a system which fails to make it perfectly clear that their decision to borrow is more gamble than guarantee. =)

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