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Comment Re:Evidence based slashdot comment (Score 1) 95

[quote]If it's built in space, and intended to stay in space as large interstellar craft most likely would be, why not iron?[/quote]
Yeah, but [i]just[/i] iron? Aliens wouldn't have used anything else but iron in their space ships?

Look, this Loeb guy is hell-bent on calling anything not easily exlpained by current knowledge a clear sign of aliens. He's not trying to prove what is out there, he's trying to prove his fantasy is right. So he's extremely biassed. IMO he's not much better than the 'It's aliens' guy...

[quote]strong enough to withstand vacuum of space[/quote]
Is it also strong enough for interstellar (possibly FTL) trips? And if the aliens are advanced enough to hop stars, how the fuck are they so dumb to have their stuff explode?

Comment Re:Who cares? (Score 1) 222

Isn't that lack of dynamic range part of why they were dug up though? That through the loudness war that extra dynamic range was simply used to push the levels higher and higher and since vinyl was not capable of such levels it would receive a mix/master that actually ended up with better range than the CD digital format?

No, that's not how dynamic range works.
Dynamic range is the distance between the loudest and the quietest part of the signal that can be conveyed.
Technically digital (these days) has a much bigger dynamic range than any analog format that existed.
But, due to loudness war, pretty much all of that dynamic range is left unused.

Vinyl on the other hand has a limited dynamic range. But it also has other limits, like the mechanical limits of the needle.
That is why it can't handle a too small dynamic range!
So on the one hand vinyl has a lower noise limit, defining its dynamic range. And on the other hand, you can't squish the dynamic range too much or else you'll run into other mechanical problems. These are separate limits.

The vinyl comeback you mention is partially due to the fact that vinyl masters couldn't have their dynamic range reduced too much. The mixes of yesteryear (like the ones on vinyl) used to have a much bigger dynamic range, despite the fact that vinyl has a lower available dynamic range compared to modern media.

The problem is in how this available dynamic range is used and not so much the availability of dynamic range in a give format.
Long story short, we have much more dynamic range available in new formats but it is being completely wasted for the purpose of commerce.

Comment Re:These people. (Score 1) 300

Historically (like before Covid), 'vaccine' meant a conveyance of permanent immunity.

Nonsense. Vaccines never were exclusively for permanent immunity.
Some diseases mutate more often than others. That is why for some diseases one shot is enough for life while for others you'll want/need it more often.

In the US, where I live, we have our 'seasonal flu shots'.

Yeah, and guess what, genius. Those flue jabs are vaccines. These flue vaccines have been available since the 50s of the last century so unless you're older than 70 you've lived your complete life in a world where the word 'vaccine' didn't automatically mean total immunization for life.

The government is very careful not to call this a 'vaccination' as this would make people think that they have had a shot and do not need another next year.

That doesn't change the fact that these are still vaccines.

So now I tell people, "there are no vaccines for Covid, and no one is immune".

Those are two lies rolled into one. Yes, the covid shots are vaccines and yes, you will pretty much gain immunity, until the next mutated variant comes along.

I hope that clears things up.

You've achieved exactly the opposite. Your lack of knowledge has muddled the subject.

Comment Re: These people. (Score 1) 300

You're deluded with unfounded idealism if you think interplanetary expansion will somehow reduce the pressure we put on the earth. If anything it will increase the pressure.
For one, no feasible planet that we know of is going to be a better home to humans than earth. So mining (and maybe science) is just about the only interesting thing about space. And it will stay that way for quite some time. We are not suitable for interplanetary colonization.
So what is left is mining. But that will only fuck up earth even more if we can't solve this problem we are talking about here. It will enable building and consuming at a scale unprecedented in the history of humanity. And nothing about it dictates that it will be done in a sustainable way.

So what you propose is nonsense. You're treating space as a magical problem solver which it isn't. Going to space won't solve any of the problems we already have and quite likely only multiply them.

Comment Re: These people. (Score 1) 300

The density of humans is minuscule.

I suggest you look in an atlas (google earth, etc) to see how much of the earths land is in use by humans. You will start to understand how wrong you were before...
For instance, from a global scale zoom in on a patch of green. How big is the chance, you think, that it will be a natural forest and how big a chance it will be farm land?

Comment Re:Some Unfashionable Optimism (Score 1) 300

So instead of endless doom and gloom how about some optimism even if it is unfashionable at the moment?

Why should we be optimistic? Despite all the science and technology we are still unable to reduce the growth, never mind reversing it. Again, we are still accelerating in our growth.

We've always faced serious problems throughout our history and, thanks to science and technology, we've always managed to solve them and there is every indication we can do it again with today's problems.

Ooh, puwees. The last time we had a problem of this scale was the threat of nuclear war. And that one was enabled by science. The actual problem, and the solution to this problem, was political in nature. And we nearly didn't solve it, despite it being very very obvious that a nuclear war was very bad for the human species.

And in this case we also have a political/human nature problem that has been enabled by science and technology. I don't see science fixing it any time soon tho. It only depends on our behavior as a species, for instance how we choose to consume, which politicians we vote for, how much we protest, etc.. Sitting at home and consuming (increasingly) more stuff while waiting for science to fish our collective fat ass out of the shitpool we've created and actively maintain for ourselves is not going to solve the problem.

Comment Re:Not suprising (Score 1) 39

but it was the machine for music/sound (sorry Atari)

Nah, it's not that simple.
It had a few low quality sample channels. Atari had MIDI and the software to use that.
Now, i do recognize that the sampling capabilities of the Amiga brought forth an big wave of creativity. But ultimately, with much more interesting MIDI devices entering the market (for instance samplers with cd quality audio and much higher polyphony) from the late 80s onward, the impact of the atari can't be underestimated.

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