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Comment Re: Seeking real-world actual cold weather data on (Score 1) 177

Leaving it not plugged in overnight in -7C will not affect range noticeably. Neither will -15C for a few nights. This is real world data based on my old Nissan Leaf and a 2020 Hundai Kona, in Norway. In general cold weather dramatically reduces range, but for how long it has been cold before you use it doesn't matter much.

Comment Re: real world (Score 1) 186

In the real world, if your application code has mutable state, it's almost always a bug. Your state should be in the database (or a dedicated caching layer), otherwise it will either not be visible to the other clients when it should, or writeable by other clients when it shouldn't. Put it in the database, and use transactions.

Comment Re: You're not the first to ask this (Score 1) 186

Most mainstream programming languages are slowly drifting towards functional programming anyway. Look at the release notes for the new version of c# released just this week. Improved pattern matching (switch statement), and "generic math" (exemplified by a monoid implementation). Other recent examples are immutable record types, type inference and lambdas. They should just take the plunge and give us typeclasses. Java, python and typescript all moving in the same direction.

Comment Re: What if, indeed. (Score 1) 239

The grain of truth in that lie is that given a language with a strict and expressive type system (like Haskell or Scala) and a tradition for using it properly (unlike Java and c#), it's just much harder to write incorrect code. It reduces the set of incorrect programs that would compile by a huge factor, and leaves you with a lot less code to verify.

Comment Re: No I would not steal a car.. (Score 1) 257

The GPL is not primarily about "downloading free stuff" tho. Rather, it's about the moral obligation to provide users of software with the ability (i.e. freedom) to modify said software for themselves and others. This is probably seen as more important to GPL advocates than the ability to remix films and music.

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