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Comment Re:Not just meth (Score 1) 757

My point is that your terminology is obviously influenced by the anti-gun crowd. "Cop-killer bullets" is essentially a potential fallacy in and of itself - it represents nothing more than a base appeal to emotion, an attempt to change the tone of the argument without presenting fact or supporting evidence.

You may not have intended to become embroiled in the gun rights argument - but by allowing the debate to be defined by one side, you have placed yourself squarely in the middle of it.

FWIW, I'm a fairly extreme libertarian. The "War on Drugs" is merely an offensive pretense for further limiting the rights of citizens through the threat of violence.

Comment Re:I am confused- can someone explain (Score 1) 1167

The Republican party used to be about smaller government - these days, it's more easily defined by social issues - gay marriage, abortion, etc. They still get the vast majority of libertarian (read: supporters of smaller government) votes, but that's only because the Democrats are marginally worse.

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