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Comment Re:I am confused- can someone explain (Score 1) 1167

The Republican party used to be about smaller government - these days, it's more easily defined by social issues - gay marriage, abortion, etc. They still get the vast majority of libertarian (read: supporters of smaller government) votes, but that's only because the Democrats are marginally worse.

Comment Re:The legitimate projection of force. (Score 1) 566

Actually, you're wrong. Pepper spray is primarily a compliance tool, not a defensive tool. LEO policy across the country uniformly places it below physical force.

In context, the protesters were legally in the wrong. It's pretty clear-cut: the officers were walking away with an individual under arrest, and the protesters were blocking the path. Pike ordered them to leave, they did not. He informed them that if they did not leave, they would be sprayed with OC and removed. They stayed. He sprayed them until disoriented, and removed them.

Comment Re:Go with the simple over complex theory (Score 1) 803

The leader's name is "JT Ready", and he's a media whore. They'll show up at any event in the Phoenix area that gets media coverage - but they are there.

A quick Google:

Comment Re:What about non-coding time? (Score 2) 203

Well, that's just ignorant, then.

I write SQL most of the day, and in my opinion, it's more difficult to do well than traditional programming. If I'm writing a webapp somewhere, I only have to keep the individual logic i'm working on in my head - with SQL, I may have to know how a single dataset is processed over a half dozen steps to get the result I want.

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