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Submission + - Attempt at Record Bittorent Swarm Size (

avatastic writes: A record attempt has been started invoving bittorrent, to see just how many seeds can be on one torrent. The current record for simultanious seeds on a torrent is around 124,000, set for an episode of Heroes. The attempt uses a small image file for the contents, and already has a decent number of seeds.

Submission + - Anger mounts over UK copyright bill 'stitch up' ( 1

superapecommando writes: The Digital Economy Bill will be debated today by the Lords, who will decide if it becomes law, after being controversially rushed through in a vote in the House of Commons.
The bill passed through the Commons yesterday with a majority of 142 votes. The vote followed condemnation a day earlier, when it made a major advance in a debate attended by under 40 MPs. Campaigners for and against the bill had spent thousands of pounds attempting to catch the attention of politicians.
Under the bill, users could be cut off if they access pirated content, and websites hosting that content could also be blocked. Proponents say these steps would protect content creators — but opponents, who presented a petition to parliament with thousands of signatures, see the bill as threatening civil liberties.

Submission + - Interview with the UK Pirate Party leader (

VJ42 writes: With the 2010 UK general election fast approaching, The Pirate party of the United Kingdom will be fielding elections for the first time. With the Digital economy bill and ACTA being hot topics for UK geeks, the Pirate party looks to pick up votes. Their leader Andrew Robinson has agreed to answer your questions. Normal Interview rules apply.

Comment Re:If he has my sensitive data... (Score 4, Insightful) 245

If you're in the UK then as long as the data isn't held securely by him then yes. The UK's data protection act requires that all information that can be used to personally identify an individual is held securely.

If you're in the UK you can also use the Freedom of Information act to request any information he's holding about you, but for that he can charge a nominal fee, which is how he's probably planning on making the money invested back.

A former member of the metropolitan police and corrupt? Don't colour me surprised.

Operating Systems

Submission + - Ubuntu 7.04 from torrents full of Trojan Horses

Funny Finder writes: Many of the recent torrent site downloads of the new version of Ubuntu 7.04 have been loaded with well hidden trojan horses. Many are reporting to have found keyloggers and auto ad loaders buried within the new operating system. The totally free of charge operating system as been reported to ask for a donations on every start up. This is something a legitimate copy of Ubuntu will never do. Rest Of The Story

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"Spock, did you see the looks on their faces?" "Yes, Captain, a sort of vacant contentment."
