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Comment Re:A bit of a mouthful (Score 2) 309

Amazon Kindle Blaze
Amazon Kindle Bonfire
Amazon Kindle Campfire
Amazon Kindle Charring
Amazon Kindle Combustion
Amazon Kindle Conflagration
Amazon Kindle Embers
Amazon Kindle Flame
Amazon Kindle Flare
Amazon Kindle Heat
Amazon Kindle Inferno
Amazon Kindle Scorching
Amazon Kindle Searing

Comment Re:Out before the iPad mini (Score 1) 309

They should focus on e-ink tablets instead of trying to compete with Apple. Because if you're not Apple, then you're competing with everybody else on the price tag. And low-cost Android tablets are already available for under 100$ and I don't think Amazon can beat companies like Coby on pricing.

What we need is the next step, color e-ink Kindles. I they can keep wi-fi and the Webkit browser in the new e-ink Kindles, it's a plus. It makes a very nice low-power and long battery life portable browser.

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