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Comment Generalizations = bad (Score 1) 440

Any generalization, such as the one stated in the above summary, is bad and goes against the very core of the argument it appears to be making. I teach at a University and FOSS/Libre concepts are weaved through every relevant aspect of every single lecture I give. Sure, I am a Linux/FOSS enthusiast but I also use just about every other relevant platform under the Sun. As such I don't see myself as a Linux/FOSS evangelist. Rather, I see this form of education as part of sustainable outlook on the future where generations upon whose shoulders this mess of a society remains will have to make hard decisions to ensure that they don't end-up cornered in an Orwellian nightmare or worse yet counting last days on a dying planet.

Comment I'd pass... (Score 3, Interesting) 118

I got a total of three different LCDs from AOC with the last one purchased approx. a year ago. Poor craftmaship (chipping paint, uneven edges around the screen), more dead pixels than other brands I commonly buy, and most importantly unbearable ground loop hum generated by poor grounding that affects all equipment on the same circuit make me believe they are not all that hot (they may have improved since--although you won't see me holding my breath)...

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You know, the difference between this company and the Titanic is that the Titanic had paying customers.
