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Comment Math lesson (Score 4, Funny) 127

Not practical for 99.999999999999999% of people.

99% is all but one in a hundred, or 1e2.. add a power of ten for each 9, and you get.. 1e17, or all but 1 in 100 million billion. People? That's more people than ever existed. I think this thing is at least practical for the promoters, or at least whomever has been recieving the money they spend on devlopment and promotion. You'd still be off if you counted each person's individual cells.

I could add more 9's

No, you've added quite enough already.

Comment Re:Radation != Thyroid Cancer (Score 1) 124

The best natural source of Iodine is seafood. The Japanese probably get a pretty good dose of Iodine from their normal diet. Also, administration of Potassium Iodate pills are pretty standard procedure when there's a nuclear incident, so without any specific information to the contrary, I would expect that these workers had enough nonradioactive Iodine in them at the time of exposure.

Comment this would be great for everybody to use! (Score 1) 121

If the costs are low and side effects minimal. How stablely can it regulate blood sugar? The modern practioce of three meals a day just isn't very optimal for good mood regulation and high productivity and creativity. Of course, we should probably all be taking naps, too :)

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 366

The roads sucked hard back then. A fast car would have been pointless. But there wasn't anything wrong with the propulsion technology. One of the cars mentioned in the linked article averaged 57 mph over a mile course, so it would have been rather more than that measured instantaneously at maximum speed.

Comment Re:Third-party analysis? (Score 1) 73

So you're saying that all you "normal" people are really relationship experts? Lots of people have relationship
problems, and a helpful tip or two might be the deciding factor in marginal cases. Even if your relationship is a happy one, who wouldn't want to grab some low hanging fruit (snickersnack!) and pump it up a notch?

Thumbing your nose at free (possibly useful) advice concerning as aspect of your life you presumably care about sounds like maladjusted behavior to me!

Comment I can think of at least one useful use-case (Score 1) 86

It's hard to see this being much of an impact, even for stressed sites with a lot of Chrome users; people don't usually sit there mashing the refresh button when their page won't load. Most folk will actually implement their own"back-off" feature, Sure, there are outliers, but this is a game of big numbers and average statistics.

Where this can help is with automated page loading. Your saved session has twenty tabs with pages from a single site? That's all loaded at once, in parallel in the browsers I know about. I imagine it can be a considerable load in some cases.

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