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Comment Re:What now? (Score 1) 184

Exactly, we need to perfect the safety features in a way that requires the driver to be driving/attending fully like normal, then we can consider integrating the safety features into a truly driverless, attentionless car. But this nonsense about making it easier for drivers to not pay attention to the road, yet not have the safety features that allow true inattention, is just, well, nonsense!

Comment Re:tax them (Score 1) 331

it's actually in society's best interest for those "idiots" you speak of to be able to live in a home, weirdly enough. You probably don't agree with this, but listen to people complain when homelessness goes up. "So unpleasant to see!" they say. "We should outlaw them!" they say. Well, there would be a way to prevent your having to see "unpleasant" homeless people, and it starts before they get to that point, like as soon as they lose their income, however they lost it.

Comment Re:Nearly 75% don't understand AI (Score 1) 331

Right, a lot of individual tasks are becoming automatable now. People seem to think that as long as one AI can't do everything, we're okay, but an awful lot of things can be done by an "AI" where that's all it does.

Worse, employers trying to save a buck have demonstrated a willingness to use AI that is worse than the humans -- e.g., I work in speech recognition via phone. A lot of my clients have replaced as many humans as possible with speech recognition systems that are far inferior to the humans that were replaced. They may care that the end customers are having a worse experience, but not enough that it outweighs the cost savings. I don't see why this wouldn't be the rule across every automatable task -- it doesn't have to be as good as humans, it just has to be good enough that they really can decrease costs.

Comment Re:Assume you will be average (Score 1) 152

That would be a good idea, if not for the fact that in America, we have basically all just agreed that average people should be able to make ends meet. Because we are all above average! If you, like me, are above average, you will pull yourself up by your bootstraps to be a millionaire!

Comment Reasoning (Score 1) 152

This should be totally obvious. If you are just training PhDs to train other PhDs to train other PhDs, you basically just have a pyramid scheme. But actually, there is work to do! Not everyone can train more of themselves, some people just need to settle down and do research! This is an expectation/logic problem. (Or a very smart ploy on the part of institutions to bring down the cost of hiring PhDs...why would PhD holders participate in that? Failure to reason!)

A dropout of the academic system that is very happy with the $$$$ I have now

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