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Comment Re:Code Exploit Discovery Automation (Score 3, Interesting) 244

There's no correlation between age of a product and security. If anything the older the project and more nebulous the code base, the less likely anyone inside Adobe even understands it all. I use sumatrapdf and evince so I'm not affected personally but I think the only hope is either replacement or freeing the source code for the product. From a business perspective, Adobe will only go and fix bugs that become a big enough PR disaster that they can't ignore them. There would also need to be a viable alternative to their products.

Similarly to how Microsoft has had to acknowledge OpenOffice, at some point hopefully GIMP and Inkscape and other creative tools will cause Adobe to address their own issues. The software industry has a serious lack of competition and without free software that closely mimics commercial products, it's hard to imagine anything improving substantially in the near future.

Comment Re:Clear Conflict of Interest (Score 4, Insightful) 589

This all depends on the interest. I am familiar with people in the free software community whose main interest is increasing free software adoption. In that case they can fully be in support of two projects. The features may overlap and the projects may compete but the interest of free software adoption can neutralize any maliciousness that might appear in a traditional business conflict of interest situation.

Comment Re:What a stupid representation (Score 1) 175

I agree. I struggle to understand how they are arranged. At first glance it appears to be in some sort of vertical groups but when you see Google and Oracle on a diagonal crossing some other thing for no reason, the deliberate obfuscation is apparent. Come on people....arrange by performance or to enable easy comparisons!

Comment Re:It just takes one... (Score 2) 258

He might want to mess with the network and its topology because he's a network guy. Right now the biggest threats come from exploitable bugs in software so rather than attempt to create a new Internet, this guy should be funding massive security code review of both free and non-free software.

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