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Comment Re:First (Score 1) 176

How they are saved depends on the distro. If you use something like Fedora before this, then whether using a gui or command line, you are effectively editing a file and then reload that file by restarting a sudo service. If you use something like gentoo, then it saves your firewall on shutdown or at your request.

The DBUS stuff to have apps make requests is potentially very cool, I really hope it's well thought out though...

Comment The police don't have to win to do severe damage (Score 1) 538

I've seen someone go through this and despite having video evidence in his favour (that the police saw at the start), the police continued for 2 years and eventually lost. But not before racking up enough legal costs to take several years to pay off. The police don't have to win to do severe damage. If someone is on a blind crusade, they can do one hell of a lot of financial damage and damage to his reputation before they run out of options.

This case is less cut and dry. It will be harder to prove, and harder to defend since it's about intentions rather than an act. But I suspect for the police, that's not the point.

Comment A long term trend? (Score 0) 158

This is something I wouldn't have predicted, and I'm wondering if it's going to be along term trend. It's potentially a powerful game changer, and with such power, comes massive responsibility and impact. I hope that those pushing the leaks keep a fairly balanced view of the world so the cause doesn't consume them and push them to the extremes. Because if that happens, it becomes worthless again (and very damaging).

Comment The thing that strikes me about this (Score 2) 81

The thing that strikes me about this is that when something new comes out that has different strengths and limitations, at first we are at a loss for how to make it useful, but then we work around the limitations and are much better off.

The things I'm aware of that make the contrast between high and low important is measurement of those highs and lows and short term memory. So those are potential areas for improvement that could make the technology viable.

Just because they haven't worked out how to do it yet, doesn't mean it can't be done.


Embedded Linux 1-Second Cold Boot To QT 141

An anonymous reader writes "The blog post shows an embedded device cold booting Linux to a QT application all in just one second. This post also includes a link which describes what modifications were made to achieve this."

Comment Re:How is this different? (Score 1) 150

What I want to know is, how is this different than highlighting searched words in word processors and other types of editors? This is something that has been around since computers were the size of deep freezers.

Having read the linked summary, I think the summary here is a bit off. It sounds more about getting the things to be highlighted to the server that's going to generate the html to be sent to the user.

My understanding is that patents cover the method, and not the result... Although a quick skim over wikpedia hasn't cleared this up...?

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