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Comment Re:I don't think it does (Score 3, Interesting) 242

If this works it will be travelling across the land with a higher speed than anything that has ever travelled across the land, hence the title "land speed record". I agree with you that the wheel powered one is in some ways more important, but something has to be declared fastest land vehicle and it seems fitting for it to be the fastest vehicle on the land. If Fred Flinstone could run fast enough to make his car faster than any other car in history, would you deny him the land speed record?

Comment Re:Chinese age is a fiction (Score 1) 691

You know what. I wrote a large reply but after reading through it I realised that you and I simply disagree on what defines culture. We are not alone as the definition of culture is not clear and many arguments similar to our have sparked up since the dawn of time.

From my perspective, the Chinese culture is old and worthy of admiration from its many feats, just as the Greek and Mesopotamian Cultures. I suppose even though I was brought up in the "western" culture I don't feel any connection at all with Roman or Greek cultural teachings. I don't feel that Aristotle had the same culture as me. The Greek people I talk to admit that modern Greek culture is not the same as ancient Greek culture (Although they wish it was). All of the Chinese people I have talked to see a deep and direct connection with Confucius and rightly or wrongly believe that he and the people around him lived in roughly the same cultural background as modern China. Maybe that is a result of how they are taught, but seeing as culture is taught then that is fine.

Of course cultures evolve. A culture of the descendants of ancient Greeks will have many influences from ancient Greece. However just like biological evolution, given enough time a totally new species emerges. Where to draw the line is tricky and we seem to differ on this point.

Comment Re:Chinese age is a fiction (Score 1) 691

Well, at the scale and fuzziness at which you define a "culture", we have four major surviving cultures: China, Europe, India, and the Middle East. Of those, China is the youngest.

European culture has nothing at all in common with what was in Europe 2000 years ago. Very few people understand the common languages in use back then. No one follows anything remotely like the Roman culture or beliefs.

As far as the middle east is concerned. I doubt you will find anyone that could argue that modern Middle east culture is anywhere near what it was like 2000 years ago. Islam wasn't invented. In fact, 2000 years ago, vast swaths of the middle east were Roman or Greek. These cultures have completely vanished from the earth.

Most modern Indian languages emerged around 1000 years ago. Modern Indian culture is heavy influenced by Buddhism which began around 2400 years ago. Give a few years for it to spread and define the culture so it won't be much older than Chinese if at all.

Also Modern Chinese culture is still heavily influenced by the teachings of Confucius who lived around 500BC.

Comment Re:What bullshit (Score 1) 183

well people still want personal transport and they still want typed words, its just that the technology of how these desires are reached has changed.

Also while people do want recordings, what the industry is trying to get us to buy is physical copies of the recordings. Technology has resulted in the physical copies being no longer needed and in some cases no longer wanted.

Comment Re:Torchlight (Score 1) 218

that is exactly how i felt. The game started strong, but it never changed. The side quests consisted of "kill this guy on level 12" kill him, hand it in, "kill this guy on level 15". the other side quest was "get some item on level 12" get it, hand it in, "get some item on level 15". I know basically all RPG quests are like that, but they try to mask it with story or something. The side quests in torchlight were literally like what I described.

Comment Re:UK's HS2 (Score 1) 691

the road outside my apartment building has taken 1 year to re seal. its about 100m long. The road was ripped up almost exactly 1 year ago and last week they finally started to lay the new cobbles. They got half way on the first day then stopped. Its still half done now. I know its silly to compare but the bureaucracy of any infrastructure project in the UK is mad.

Comment Re:What bullshit (Score 4, Insightful) 183

No one cries for horse buggy makers or tanners or typewriter makers. Some times, technology makes your business model completely obsolete. The best thing is to come up with a new one, either in a totally new industry or maybe adapt to the conditions the new technology has made. Trying to legislate against the new technology is bad for everyone as it holds up progress.

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