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Comment Don't live in Europe ? so What ? (Score 2) 35

It's interesting to see that 65% of polled people wrote: but I do not live in Europe ... (YIC), but the question was not
Will you go to ...
or Can you go to ...
but would you like to ...

I do not live in Asia but would really like to go to the beaches in Bali (I think) .... doesn't mean I will in the near future ....

So I guess the poll somewhat enabled ./ to find out the "brogrammers" and "pseudo tech hipsters", ... will they be punished ? maybe additional ads for self help books ? and get rich quick schemes ? ...

BTW Fossdem is really cool, but granada in September is still quite warm :) and only one hour from the beach :)

Comment Re:Other reasons (Score 1) 306

And I know a couple of Phil PHDs one is a VC the other a Top executive in charge of Government Affairs another is a very specialized Translator
(lousy pay but no shortage of work) and another one is sharing his time between High School teaching Philosophy and being an elected official.

Come to think of it, I do not know a Philosophy major without a job, but I do know a few CS majors who are not able to find a job, and a huge amount of CS Major who should definitively not work in IT.

Comment Re:oh jeez. (Score 2) 140

In practice blimps would be usefull if they could be run using hydrogen.
Helium is a limited and expensive ressource, hydrogen is comparativelly "free"...

And I suspect that the issues with static electricity, heat, etc... are much better understood today than 80..90 years ago.

The weather forecasts are also much more accurate and the risk of loosing a blimp to the wind are way lower than in the 30s...

The advantage of blimps is that they do not need as much infrastructure as planes, and if you compare the safety records of antique hydrogen blimps to some of the developping world countries airline, ... one might reconsider ....

Comment Re:The Turing Test Itself is a Load of Crap (Score 1) 309

A con man tries to con you out of something, Turing didn't, he also was probably the biggest factor in saving everybody's bacon...
He was probably over optimistic, or just very pessimistic (realistic ?) about the level of intelligence most people use when they believe they are thinking .....

Comment Re:What he's really saying is (Score 3, Insightful) 422

No, what he is saying is that it is easy to "write" sloppy code for excel and hard to write good code.
And even harder to review it.

It's similar to the reason a) people moved away from basic, and b) basic evolved to be (duck, please no flame) almost usable (I still do not like it, but recognize that it is possible to write usable code in visual basic).

If you want to criticizes him, picking on Piketty is VERY political, "excel" errors are galore in neocon publications, but of course the FT did not find anything not to love there, but saying that just maybe having a small group of people siphoning off all the cash from society is not sustainable for ever does make them nervous and very desirous to find some scab to pick at...

Nevertheless he is right, it would be very good if decision makers would be able to "read the numbers" and not just "massage the numbers".
Something like R or ADaMSoft would drive you to test ideas on datasets and learn from them whereas excel (or calc :)) have a tendency to get you to fiddle the numbers until the taxman aherm the reader sees what you would like them to see...

Comment I'm 10 years older than you ... (Score 2) 274

I'm 10 years older than you and worked for a variety of startups in the last 20 years, and am just starting in a "new one" yes they are all 20 years younger than I am, but ... somehow they think I can bring something to the table...
Including BTW a large network of contacts ...

About the "cultural thing", you should probably discuss with your familly and negociate that you will be very late about 4 days in each month (but not necessarely friday night)... then decide what you would like to do there night, it could be going to gothic festivals, play pool or snooker, go bowling, organize Maker's event, go to steampunk events, real time go language programming, what ever ...
Pick stuff you like and could convince "them to do", stuff they like and you could tolerate (or even enjoy) doing... things you find interesting and that you could actually organize and be seen as a kind of leader in .. (think tech oriented meetups at or similar stuff)

Then try to find once a month an event you can tolerate and that is organized allready...
Organize once a month or every two monthes a meetup or something similar about something techy you care about and invite the rest of the company to attend
Invite everybody once a month to something you find fun (if they do not come it's their problem, just make sure it is something that they just might be interested in ...)
And think about what the fourth "free pass" in the month could be ...
nb: try to find a baby sitter if necessary for these days so that your wife can do whatever she wants also...

Even if you only organize a subset of this plan you will find out that you will have more than necessary time to "network" with the team, you do not need to go clubbing all night (you allready found your wife, and if you are thinking of cheating on her doing it in front of your colleages would be the worst possible idea...)
In office happy hours are not really a problem if you remember that you can also drink a coke without rhum, just explain if somebody is jocking about it that you are going to drive home, and they both your children and the companies investors would rather see you alive tomorrow ...
And other "week-end", holliday activities can be fun & interesting (burning man !! :)) but are not necessary, particularly if you get to speak to the same people "off road" during pub&pool or bowling or the " about " event you organize or help organize ...

And at the end of the day, what people care the most is "code that actually works", and "answers to a couple of hard questions" ...

So don't worry if you stay cool you'll do great ....

Comment Re:So few (Score 1) 199

In reality there are two issues

the first one is that the large US companies know that at some point they'll be able to get a tax holliday to rapatriate the cash they fleeced from foreign countries and stored in some tax haven.
In theory you have to pay taxes somewhere overly simplifying the issues it means you pay where you are or where your customers are, but if you can hide the money from your customers tax authorities and then wait until your own tax authorities tells you fine, bring the cash we'll make you a discount ... it's "kind of legal" but ...
The other issue is that in constructing the European Union we agreed to have an open market but did not (out ouf misguided nationalism) give up national taxing rights...
So a small country is happy to tax a large company for all the business they do in Europe at a discounted rate, and they can afford it because they have smaller needs for their infrastructure.
But it is not a long term sustainable system.

In the specific case of Google the tax office is doing what they should have done a very long time ago to Microsoft, Apple, HP, ....
it is to say: ok the system is broken and you "can" steal the revenu from your french operation to move it to some place where the tax are lower, BUT you have to do it correctly and charge a realistic amount of money for what ever "management services, IP transfert, branding cost, sales operation, ... " you have "abroad"
if not you are cheating ...

Comment Re:So few (Score 2) 199

You confuse taxes on individuals and taxes on companies, BTW the US top tax rate was very close to this until you elected a movie cowboy, I guess all the rich people where fleeing the US in the 60s 70s and early 80s ....

The main reason BTW the government is trying to increase personal taxes is just because international (including very french ones) companies actually manage not to pay any taxes...

Comment Such a disapointment.. (Score 1) 164

I must confess I was hoping to learn something along the lines of "microsoft beats small children and eat their puppies" ...
But what he really writes is that startups are more fun than large companies ...

wich is "mostly" true... except when you just have trouble paying the bills because the funding dried up and the business is not quite there...

And what he writes about M$ would be true in most large companies ... (they probably never trusted him enough to learn about the secret rooms where they really eat puppies while concocting new EULA and IP legislation...)

Well good luck to M. Molyneux anyway :)

Comment Re:What show did they watch? (Score 3, Insightful) 667

The fun thing about "inteligent creation" is that the argument is "xyw is too complicated to evolve "naturally" it needs something even more complicated to "make it"...
Of course how the "more complicated stuff" was created does not need any explanation...

But a least it gives some arguments for a compationate God, since s/he does not smite them in anger for keeping on telling him, her, it how to do its job...

Comment yes (Score 4, Informative) 306

Although 18 years of programming is barelly adolescence ... (I started with fortran IV because fortran 77 was still being implemented ...
Now let's assume that you want to learn to write Fubarish code, you'll find out that there are at least five major languages/IDEs/Frameworks to Fubar...
Choose one, preferably one of the "bigger ones" and make sure it's activelly maintained...

And then take a deep breath, and know that IT WILL TAKE TIME .... the issue is not that you really need to "learn new paradigms" in most cases it's just rather minor variations of old ones (some time very neat variations, that is the fun part)... the issue is that you "almost understandn but yet it does not seem to make sense"...

The issue is similar to adult learning new languages vs children learning... adults do not really learn slower than children, but they want to express themselves correctly and speak about "interesting things"...
Kid's are happy to say "see spot run, give ball me !", adults feel frustrated by this and have trouble making the initial steps...

So be patient and for instance try something like meteor or angular and try to make an ugly "hello world" app... (or what ever is relevant to what you'd like to build ...)
then "hello world, AGAIN and I'm the best" app...
then "hello "
at some point after five time more time than you initially thought it will hit you ... "I did it !" ....

    Good luck youngster :)
      (and now get off my lawn ...)

Comment Connect a raspberry pi and (Score 5, Funny) 983

Connect a raspberry pi and configure it as a backup server and let it copy all to /dev/null...
Then put aside the money you would have invested in a "better" solution, put it in a safe bank (under your mattress)
and wait until you need to restore something..
Most probably you'll enjoy the money more ...

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