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Comment Re:jesus, I knew someone would play the gender car (Score 1) 65

For sufficiently loose definitions of "working tablet", you are of course right. Like those Microsoft thingies that everyone stayed away from in droves. Or Apple's own Newton.

So why was the iPad the first massively popular one? Because Apple produced one that was actually useful rather than started people cursing in the first few minutes. That took them years of experimentation and polishing; there is a reason there had been rumours about an Apple tablet for years before it was actually introduced.

It's easy to think up the concept of a tablet, and even to build some vaguely functional prototypes, but until Apple came up with hardware that was light and sturdy enough to be practical, and software that made the limited environment useful, tablets were something you only used if you absolutely had to. And Apple had nobody to `sponge off', this was Apple's effort only.

As far as I'm concerned this effort deserves the word 'invented', but by all means go for `reinvented' if it makes you feel better.

Comment Re:jesus, I knew someone would play the gender car (Score 0) 65

Steve did not redefine personal computing, just a designer who sponged off other's engineering accomplishments. He invented nothing, conceived nothing other than perhaps artistic case and keyboard designs.

By that standard the Wright brothers were not inventors either, because all they did was sponge of real inventors, and bolt a lightweight combustion engine to some pieces of wood and cloth. By any sensible definition, Apple invented the tablet. Yes, there had been attempts at tablets before the iPad, but they were just as effective as airplanes before the Wright brothers. You're still allowed to hate Apple and Jobs all you want, but fair is fair: they did invent the tablet.

Comment Re:CEO in a Bubble (Score 3, Informative) 190

... The other bubble car - Mercedes Smart is a failure in every sense of the word.

For a failure it is doing remarkably well. Here in Europe it has now been for sale for more than a decade, and there are no signs that its market is collapsing. It's true that not everyone is driving it, but if that is the benchmark, nowadays all cars are failures.

And the Google bubble car will be as popular as Segway.

The Segway also doesn't look like it will go away in the near future, it has found a few niches (e.g. getting around fast in large buildings such as airports and shopping malls, and guided tours for tourists).

Also, Google's bubble car is just an experimental platform for now.

Comment Re:Fire Linus (Score 1) 641

What makes you think Linus has not tried this level of politeness? From what I've read of him, he is normally very friendly towards the clueless and the sloppy. The problem is that not everyone learns. What would YOU do if the same developer would commit the same offence again and again despite your politely phrased teaching moments? Remember you cannot fire the developer, because you're not employing him.

I would say that a more sharply worded rebuke is appropriate here. Personally I would not use swear words even in these circumstances, but that's a matter of style. Grumbling about prima donnas certainly makes sense to me.

Comment Re:USAID (Score 4, Interesting) 173

Is the same thing here on Brazil. USAID here helps every one who wants to overthrow any government that does not comply doggedly what the U.S. told to do.

As an American, I can assure you that simply do not understand what you are talking about. While I have no idea whether any US agency cares any about government change in Brazil, I can tell you that Lula was no problem at all. The man was rational and competent and if he and the US had different ideas from time to time, at least there was some logic to what he was doing. Dilma Rousseff is a completely different story. Early on she came on with the same anti-US ranting and ravings that are quite popular in South America these days. Geez, I don't think I've ever seen anything more embarrassing from a national leader than her photo with Fidel where she looked like an aging rock groupie wanting to suck him off at the first chance she got.

Oh dear, oh dear. Yes, I have to agree here; that is horrible. Terrible. Possibly even Terrorism. Ranting and raving against the US! Having her photo taken with Fidel!! Because no US politician would ever rant or rave against neighbouring counties. Or have their photo taken with dubious world leaders.

If the US is trying to support opposition to her presidency, well, that is a fight that she started.

Certainly. If a politician says some mean things about the US, that TOTALLY justifies US meddling in that politician's country. There is lots of jurisprudence here, because it is exactly the time-honoured schoolyard argument that teachers like so much: "But teach, THEY started it!". (And in the same time-honoured schoolyard tradition, the original offence is of course microscopic compared to the retaliation.)

Comment Re:Excellent, but .... (Score 4, Interesting) 188

How will the UN enforce this? This is nothing more than a symbolic gesture as I don't think sanctions are likely to hurt Japan all that much.

Since Japan is using UN resolutions/verdicts against China in its geo-political battles, they do not want to be seen as flouting UN verdicts themselves.

Also, whale meat is actually not that popular in Japan, so much so that the whalers have to dump their stocks: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/op.... The reason Japan has persisted in whaling despite all the protests is a mixture of lobbying, nationalist sentiments, and fears that banning whaling will open the door to more restrictions of fishing rights.

I'm sure some Japanese politicians will thank the gods of their choice for this verdict.

Comment Re:Flight recorder (Score 1) 491

I think you are underestimating how remarkable and unusual this accident has been.

This is certainly not the first plane to have disappeared from the radar, but usually it becomes clear pretty quickly what happened to it, especially nowadays. Debris is found, there was some radio communication about the problem, or there are other obvious hints. In this case the hints have been so sparse and weak that I can well understand that they had to be evaluated carefully before anyone dared to act upon them. Moreover, gathering and interpreting the Inmarsat data also took time.

Considering that anything a crisis team says or does has a great impact on many people, in particular the family and friends of the missing, but also the searchers, personally I wouldn't dare to second-guess decisions of the crisis team. And doubly so in this baffling case.

Comment Re:Flight recorder (Score 3, Informative) 491

Which is why they waited literally days before asking the international community for help? Seriously, significant progress didn't begin until the other countries were allowed to start helping.

The first few days the obvious extrapolations from the normal flight path was searched, and that search was not only conducted by Malaysia, so other countries were involved from the beginning. When they realised things were not as simple as that they asked for more international help. I fail to see what they did wrong, even in hindsight.

Comment Re:Stop the emotion, use logic next time. (Score 1) 362

If that really is all you're complaining about, then private bus services are already regulated in the US and I bet San Fransisco already has its own regulations on the matter. There seems no point to your concern.

I was not complaining, I was not concerned, I was simply pointing out to an all-government-is-evil zealot that the paperwork and fees are there for a reason, even in `the land of the free'.

I am amused that on /. this draws both Insightful and Troll moderation, though.

However, I do apologise for the mental anguish I seem to have inflicted on the language purists. Usually I know better than this, and I imagine that life must be hard enough for them when they are patrolling /. without me adding to their burden.

Comment Re:Stop the emotion, use logic next time. (Score 0) 362

The point is not that Google is likely to run dangerous busses; they have every reason not to. The point is that any city in a civilised country will have to do some kind regulation of its bus services, because otherwise all kind of shady bus companies will pop up. That will require paperwork and administration fees. Sneering at "papers and baksheesh" as the original AC did is therefore shortsighted.

Comment Re:I don't get it. (Score 1, Troll) 362

Should this mythical land of the free allow you to run a bus service with vehicles that are a menace to its passengers or other road users? Without proper education of it's bus drivers? Without any insurance? Would you mind if this bus service cherry-picks the profitable routes, so that companies that try to offer more balanced public transport go bankrupt?

Comment Re:I wonder (Score 4, Interesting) 347

Try to focus on arguments of fact, not arguments of person or source. Then you will weed out most deception.

Unfortunately, that's not how discussions are conducted in practice. Everyone always thinks that they argue rationally and factual, and it's always the morans that disagree with you that are _ing blind idiotic sheeple for not seeing the obvious truth of your position. Just look at the pro/con climate change discussions here here on /., the heated US Rep/Dem discussions, or even the iOS/Android pie fights.

Add to that an entire industry that manufactures plausible rationalisations and helpful facts, and you have all the ingredients for large-scale underbelly-based public discussion that is easily manipulated.

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