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Comment Re:Just wait... (Score 1) 246

I respectfully disagree. Just the opposite has happened since my daughter was born six months ago. I get pooped on and laugh it off. I get vomited on and laugh it off. You have to have an uber sense of humor to make it through the rough days. Just my opinion, of course.

Comment Re:Behold (Score 1) 132

At work when we switched to Java 6 when it came out our application (electronic surveillance data fusion) saw an 11% speed boost. Apparently the Java 6 JVM had tweaks to double and long primitive handling, which we utilized heavily. My point being it doesn't necessarily have to do with how it is compiled.
PlayStation (Games)

Improving the PlayStation Store 107

This opinion piece takes stock of Sony's PlayStation Store, examining its flaws and the areas Sony needs to improve as their gaming systems come to rely upon it more and more. The problems and suggested solutions involve everything from UI elements to demo availability to pricing inconsistencies. "Some people may say that the Microsoft Points scheme is a little confusing, but it is consistent. If a game is 800MSP in the US, it's 800MSP everywhere else. What a MSP is worth is up to the store, but for the most part they're close. The PlayStation Store on the other hand can be all over the place. While most games in North America keep to the same price point — such as $9.99 or $14.99, converting that over to Europe is another thing entirely. For example, Flower came out earlier this year for $9.99USD. In Australia a $10USD game gets converted to $12.95AUD. Or does it? Bomberman Ultra just came out, and it's $15.95AUD. Heavy Weapon gets released for $12.95AUD, while Capcom’s previous efforts, like Commando 3, convert to $15.95. The same thing also happens for more expensive titles. Both Battlefield 1943 and Fat Princess were released for $14.99 in the US, but in Australia they're priced at $19.95AUD and $23.95 respectively."

Submission + - Only 244 genuine Windows Vista's sold in China

morpheus83 writes: "Whilst Microsoft was bragging about the sales number of their latest OS Windows Vista, few would actually know that they have only managed to sell 244 copies in the whole of China in the first 2 weeks. You heard that right, and that's the number quoted from the headquarters of the Windows Vista chief (90% national volume) distributor in Beijing."

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