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Comment Re:I think that's all college students (Score 1) 823

Your "Go Big Red" comment was very confusing.

In the MidWest and Rocky Mountains "GBR" is almost exclusively referring to the Nebraska CornHusker's and their various sports teams.

I don't know if their use of GBR pre-dates Cornell's but you should be aware that it apparently has regional contexts.

Oh, and UNL has a kickass EE program.

Comment Re:Dell doesn't honor quotes (Score 1) 152

Comment Re:Air resistance. (Score 3, Informative) 1184

I was with you until you go to the transmission. Lock up torque convertors are nearly universal in automatic transmissions.

Since you don't know that simple detail I'm forced to wonder how much of the rest of your post is also ignorant.

Also the 90's Metro much touted for its high mileage was a HUGE, and stripped to the bone, pile of junk, something that its praise singers always forget.

Comment Re:Electronic Voting (Score 1) 304

You didn't read the link I provided did you? If you had you wouldn't have asked that question.

You register to vote by providing an acceptable form of ID that proves Citizenship, among other things. Within 30 days they will send you a Voter Registration Certificate.

When you go to vote you take the VRC with you and you're golden.

If you don't have your VRC with you then you may still vote but you will have to show some I.D. to prove who you are.

Read the link, it's all clearly spelled out. Moryath's Guardian link is crap and so is their argument.

Comment Re:Electronic Voting (Score 1) 304

Oh Good Grief. REALLY? That's the best you can do?

Texas has more stringent requirements because they have issues with illegal aliens. A student ID card doesn't prove citizenship and neither does a VA card.

Beyond that your point is ridiculous on its face. Veterans are more likely to vote conservative so why would they want to stop them from voting?

So basically you, and the Guardian, need to go in the "Trolling trolls that trolling" bin.

Consider yourself fed.

Comment Re:Ohhhh shit (Score 1) 344

So in conclusion your statement that "most" electric vehicles can go 100 miles and recharge in minutes is completely false.

A small number of very expensive electric cars can as well as a yet *unreleased* model from Honda.

Recharging "in minutes" can only be accomplished with specific and expensive chargers that are NOT commonly available anywhere but perhaps the owners garage.

Sorry if I'm coming across as an ass but the reality of EVs is nowhere close to what you portray it to be and it's time some reality get injected into the hyperbole surrounding these vehicles.

Comment Re:Ohhhh shit (Score 1) 344

I challenge you to name one that can quick charge in minutes without specific, and expensive, high capacity recharge equipment that has a guaranteed range of around 100 miles.

BTW the leaf is 30 minutes with their special 480v recharge station and the EPA is only getting 73 Miles on a charge so don't use that as an example.

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